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Kids exercising with you.

I have been practicing my teaching skills of pilates, a few friends have come over and were my "students" My son who is 2 walked in on us wraping our our session, we were doing deep breaths with a releve arms over head on the inhale and on the exhale drop arms and plie. My son just loved watching us and soon he joined in. One night I was practicing by myself and my son joined right in, he did about half of the pilates matt work, well did it as best as he could HAHA! It was so cute to watch him. Now everynight when my husband and him get home he ask "mami, exercise now?" How can you say no to that? Him and I now have a little work out we do together that I tailored to work for his toddler body, (deep breaths, spine twist, arm circles, roll ups, and pile releves)

Does anyone else have children (at any age) who have joined in on their workouts?

Mon. May 22, 1:00pm

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I am an avid walker, so my kids walk with me, or ride their bikes or scooters while I am walking.

Monday, May 22, 2006, 3:16 PM

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I am an avid walker, so my kids walk with me, or ride their bikes or scooters while I am walking.

Monday, May 22, 2006, 3:16 PM

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I am an avid walker, so my kids walk with me, or ride their bikes or scooters while I am walking.

Monday, May 22, 2006, 3:16 PM

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toi the 316poster, that's a great way to keep active as a family!

Monday, May 22, 2006, 3:19 PM

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toi the 316poster, that's a great way to keep active as a family!

Monday, May 22, 2006, 3:19 PM

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toi the 316poster, that's a great way to keep active as a family!

Monday, May 22, 2006, 3:19 PM

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My four year-old daughter loves to dance with Mommy, and is such a non-critical audience that I do all sorts of things I wouldn't try in public, for fear of looking silly. We also got a third wheel ride behind for our adult bike so she can pedal and keep up without concern about her darting into traffic. Shake your groove thing!

Monday, May 22, 2006, 3:27 PM

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My four year-old daughter loves to dance with Mommy, and is such a non-critical audience that I do all sorts of things I wouldn't try in public, for fear of looking silly. We also got a third wheel ride behind for our adult bike so she can pedal and keep up without concern about her darting into traffic. Shake your groove thing!

Monday, May 22, 2006, 3:27 PM

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My four year-old daughter loves to dance with Mommy, and is such a non-critical audience that I do all sorts of things I wouldn't try in public, for fear of looking silly. We also got a third wheel ride behind for our adult bike so she can pedal and keep up without concern about her darting into traffic. Shake your groove thing!

Monday, May 22, 2006, 3:27 PM

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I pick up my 2 yr old nephew every week and we hit the park during hours when no one else is likely to be there. The equipment is sturdy enough for me and we have a blast! I pack a lunchbag with healthy snacks and we sit on the swings or the little bridge and have a little picnick together.

He also adores biking, kicking around a ball with me, tossing around a football and just running across a open expanse of grass :-) I am looking forward to swimming!

Monday, May 22, 2006, 4:19 PM

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I pick up my 2 yr old nephew every week and we hit the park during hours when no one else is likely to be there. The equipment is sturdy enough for me and we have a blast! I pack a lunchbag with healthy snacks and we sit on the swings or the little bridge and have a little picnick together.

He also adores biking, kicking around a ball with me, tossing around a football and just running across a open expanse of grass :-) I am looking forward to swimming!

Monday, May 22, 2006, 4:19 PM

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I pick up my 2 yr old nephew every week and we hit the park during hours when no one else is likely to be there. The equipment is sturdy enough for me and we have a blast! I pack a lunchbag with healthy snacks and we sit on the swings or the little bridge and have a little picnick together.

He also adores biking, kicking around a ball with me, tossing around a football and just running across a open expanse of grass :-) I am looking forward to swimming!

Monday, May 22, 2006, 4:19 PM

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I'm currently training up to run a 2 mile (yes, I require training for such a distance! lol) with my 16-year-old son. Last year I ran it (spur of the very last minute) with my then-9-and-13-year-old sons (we were all registered to walk, but they swore they had told their Dad to register them to run; made a last-minute change). This morning my 6-YO and 10-YO came with me and biked around the point-38-mile path while I ran.

When they were little, I walked a track and they came with me and either stayed in the stroller or played on the playground. I've owned three stroller/bike trailers and currently own a trail-a-bike for the youngest (she can't keep up, yet). I wish we could bike together more than we do! But timing and transport make it hard.

I've also had the copycat-toddler workout partner several times... :^ ) And nothing like laying on your back, putting your feet against their bellies, and lifting them off the ground--we used to play games like that all the time. Once, I could "fly" them over my head that way until their own foreheads nearly touched the floor, then back down to their feet, over and over...

Monday, May 22, 2006, 7:09 PM

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I'm currently training up to run a 2 mile (yes, I require training for such a distance! lol) with my 16-year-old son. Last year I ran it (spur of the very last minute) with my then-9-and-13-year-old sons (we were all registered to walk, but they swore they had told their Dad to register them to run; made a last-minute change). This morning my 6-YO and 10-YO came with me and biked around the point-38-mile path while I ran.

When they were little, I walked a track and they came with me and either stayed in the stroller or played on the playground. I've owned three stroller/bike trailers and currently own a trail-a-bike for the youngest (she can't keep up, yet). I wish we could bike together more than we do! But timing and transport make it hard.

I've also had the copycat-toddler workout partner several times... :^ ) And nothing like laying on your back, putting your feet against their bellies, and lifting them off the ground--we used to play games like that all the time. Once, I could "fly" them over my head that way until their own foreheads nearly touched the floor, then back down to their feet, over and over...

Monday, May 22, 2006, 7:09 PM

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I'm currently training up to run a 2 mile (yes, I require training for such a distance! lol) with my 16-year-old son. Last year I ran it (spur of the very last minute) with my then-9-and-13-year-old sons (we were all registered to walk, but they swore they had told their Dad to register them to run; made a last-minute change). This morning my 6-YO and 10-YO came with me and biked around the point-38-mile path while I ran.

When they were little, I walked a track and they came with me and either stayed in the stroller or played on the playground. I've owned three stroller/bike trailers and currently own a trail-a-bike for the youngest (she can't keep up, yet). I wish we could bike together more than we do! But timing and transport make it hard.

I've also had the copycat-toddler workout partner several times... :^ ) And nothing like laying on your back, putting your feet against their bellies, and lifting them off the ground--we used to play games like that all the time. Once, I could "fly" them over my head that way until their own foreheads nearly touched the floor, then back down to their feet, over and over...

Monday, May 22, 2006, 7:09 PM

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my 2 yr old ds loves the playground... I follow him around and push him on the swings... even climbing up to the top of the structures to slide down with him.

Just the other day when we were at the beach he actually walked quite a ways along the shoreline which was promising. It gave me a good workout especially since we walked there. Well he strolled.

When he gets better at actuallty pedaling his tricycle I hope to go on long walks... it was one you could push but the double steering mechanism broke and so my dh just fixed it so he could steer it.

He loves now to imitate the yoga kids abc video when I do it... I first bought it when he was a lot younger for me.. because then he would be occupied with the other pictures in there.

I love picking him up and doing "arm ups" where I lift him into the air... he loves it more than me though. :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 1:15 PM

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my 2 yr old ds loves the playground... I follow him around and push him on the swings... even climbing up to the top of the structures to slide down with him.

Just the other day when we were at the beach he actually walked quite a ways along the shoreline which was promising. It gave me a good workout especially since we walked there. Well he strolled.

When he gets better at actuallty pedaling his tricycle I hope to go on long walks... it was one you could push but the double steering mechanism broke and so my dh just fixed it so he could steer it.

He loves now to imitate the yoga kids abc video when I do it... I first bought it when he was a lot younger for me.. because then he would be occupied with the other pictures in there.

I love picking him up and doing "arm ups" where I lift him into the air... he loves it more than me though. :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 1:15 PM

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my 2 yr old ds loves the playground... I follow him around and push him on the swings... even climbing up to the top of the structures to slide down with him.

Just the other day when we were at the beach he actually walked quite a ways along the shoreline which was promising. It gave me a good workout especially since we walked there. Well he strolled.

When he gets better at actuallty pedaling his tricycle I hope to go on long walks... it was one you could push but the double steering mechanism broke and so my dh just fixed it so he could steer it.

He loves now to imitate the yoga kids abc video when I do it... I first bought it when he was a lot younger for me.. because then he would be occupied with the other pictures in there.

I love picking him up and doing "arm ups" where I lift him into the air... he loves it more than me though. :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 1:15 PM

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