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Weightlifting or cardio?

Right now I'm using an elliptical machine for 40mins a day, and nothing else. I'm not very toned, but I was hoping that the elliptical machine (has arms too) would take care of everything. Something doesn't sound quite right about that plan, though.

Could someone tell me what else I should be doing?

I also heard (someone had written it) that lifting weights has quicker visible results and is a better way to burn fat and replace it with muscle. Is this true? How do you actually compare cardio and weights?

Thanks to anyone who can offer up some advice/knowledge on this one.

Thu. May 11, 9:37pm

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Combine both!

Here is a great article with an overview of cardio training and weight training.

Personally, I see the most visible results from weight trianing, while cardio (running, biking) helps keep me slim and burns the major calories during a workout. I used both to lose weight, and keep doing both to maintain a great body.

And yes, muscles burns more calories just being in your body that fat. For every extra pound of muscle you put on, your body uses around 35-50 extra calories a day.


Friday, May 12, 2006, 11:03 AM

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thanks for posting that article. very helpful!

Friday, May 12, 2006, 3:40 PM

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I say combine both too!

10 years ago, when I was young and not fat, I would do 10-15 min of cardio to warm up before weights. I would do weights every day but at the point I'm at now I'll probably do weights every other day and a 30-40 min cardio in the between days.

Saturday, May 19, 2007, 8:23 AM

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Saturday, May 19, 2007, 1:52 PM

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Another vote for BOTH. And add some stretching too.

Saturday, May 19, 2007, 2:54 PM

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I became a fitness trainer 26 years ago after having my second child in 21 months. Though I wasn't really overweight I had an extra 10 lbs to lose and lots of flabby areas that needed some shape. My manager at the health club that I was hired at agreed to train us in the use of weights. Granted, they slam dunked us in the workouts but within 3 weeks I had lost the weight (without dieting) and better still I dropped 2 full dress sizes! It was most amazing and I have valued the benefits ever since. I still do some cardio because its good to move your body in ways you enjoy (ie. hiking, biking, walking, dancing, etc.) but need to remember how important it is to stay strong!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007, 4:44 PM

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Unless you're down to your last few extra pounds to lose...
If you don't burn the fat with cardio, you won't be able to see the muscles you're developing with the weights. Try circuit training (which includes bootcamp-style classes) - it combines the two.

Saturday, May 19, 2007, 5:11 PM

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Why You Need Cardio AND Weights

OK, here's the deal as far as I understand it.

Cardio is very important each day because it burns off the calories that you've eaten that day. You're not necessarily burning fat with cardio (depending on which heart zone you're in, but that's a whole different thread that we could go into), but you're using up calories from the day so that your body has to rely on fat stores for fuel. Cardio is also important for your heart and lungs and general health, and your metabolism is also elevated after cardio, so that's a plus!

Weight training on the other hand builds muscle. Muscle helps you to look toned, but it has several other important features. As someone said before, your body uses more calories for every pound of muscle you have. Having more muscle means that you burn more calories by doing absolutely nothing!!! Isn't that awesome!? That's right, more muscle means you burn more calories even while sitting watching the TV, sleeping, eating, exercising... Nice!

Because of this, I think of cardio as part of the daily battle against fat and weight training as part of the long term battle against fat. The benefits of cardio (calorie wise) impact one day. The benefits of weight training impact every day. Therefore, both are important in their own ways!

Do both!

Saturday, May 19, 2007, 8:50 PM

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Weightlifting or Cardio

Thanks I've been walking around the tract 50 mins now I need to add at least 3X a week weight trainer.......Very Fine.....I work for a univ. and belong to a state of the art gym and it's summer so a lot of the students are working so you're not standing in line waiting........I'll let you guys know how I'm doing I've lost over 12 inches in two weeks going to get on the scale on Monday.

Thursday, May 24, 2007, 7:37 AM

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