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toning up w/ a limited time allowance

If I told you my height and weight (5', 105lbs) you would tell me I don't need to loose weight. I most likely don't. I weight less than I have since I was, I don't know, 12. However, the weight loss is mainly due to muscle mass loss. I'm much less active than I was in high school and college. I only have about an hour (sometimes two) a day to work out, however. I've been consistent with my hour and do a variety of workouts, eat healthily, but I don't seem to be regaining my old muscle tone. I still am flabby. Any suggestions on potent workouts for the time pressed (who don't have a gym?)

Thu. May 11, 2:46pm

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in an hour a day you should have no problem getting in toning exercises. i was a member of a "natural fitness" gym for a few years where all we did were things like pushups and pullups and stuff like that--mostly stuff that you don't need to be in a gym to do, and i was in awesome shape. pilates also can get you really well toned. it's amazing.

Thursday, May 11, 2006, 5:20 PM

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in an hour a day you should have no problem getting in toning exercises. i was a member of a "natural fitness" gym for a few years where all we did were things like pushups and pullups and stuff like that--mostly stuff that you don't need to be in a gym to do, and i was in awesome shape. pilates also can get you really well toned. it's amazing.

Thursday, May 11, 2006, 5:20 PM

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in an hour a day you should have no problem getting in toning exercises. i was a member of a "natural fitness" gym for a few years where all we did were things like pushups and pullups and stuff like that--mostly stuff that you don't need to be in a gym to do, and i was in awesome shape. pilates also can get you really well toned. it's amazing.

Thursday, May 11, 2006, 5:20 PM

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serious weight training

if you are not getting results, you need to increase your weight. I highly recommend DVD's by Cathe Friedrich ( the strength training ones), especially the gym style and pure strength series. Check her out on FITTV or online, you can find her dvd's on ebay (they are pricier than most but well worth it).


Thursday, May 11, 2006, 6:36 PM

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serious weight training

if you are not getting results, you need to increase your weight. I highly recommend DVD's by Cathe Friedrich ( the strength training ones), especially the gym style and pure strength series. Check her out on FITTV or online, you can find her dvd's on ebay (they are pricier than most but well worth it).


Thursday, May 11, 2006, 6:36 PM

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serious weight training

if you are not getting results, you need to increase your weight. I highly recommend DVD's by Cathe Friedrich ( the strength training ones), especially the gym style and pure strength series. Check her out on FITTV or online, you can find her dvd's on ebay (they are pricier than most but well worth it).


Thursday, May 11, 2006, 6:36 PM

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