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Overwhelmed ....
Hello all
I have been following peertrainer for a while and have been quite successful in achieving my first goal. I am now left with the last 10lbs which i have been struggling with for quite some time - 1yr+, however have maintained my weight. My diet is the same, mainly veggies, proteins, reduced carbs and the odd treat here and there. I have tried to shake up my exercise regime, and still the weight isn't budging. I would like to try my own new programme of combining hot yoga twice a week, cardio three times a week and strength x 2 - and was wondering if any of you have tried such a programme and seen results. I find it quite overwhelming because each practise says you should be doing theirs for 3-4 times a week to see results!! For example Bikram says minimum of 4x a week, cardio is supposed to be 5x a week and Strength 3x a week. How do people fit it all in or rather balance it to actually see results, and not feel like you aren't doing enough of any one practise. Also any advice on what else i could do to shift the 10lbs would be appreciated! Thx
Tue. Jun 25, 4:33am
Congrats on your successes so far! I can imagine its frustrating to read what each practice says you need to do to see results. The good news is there's no ONE way to exercise lose weight!
Since you lost all the weight have you recalculated your intake needs? Now that you're smaller you don't need as much as you used to. What your weight loss calories used to be may now be your maintenance cals . I recalculated after I dropped a significant chunk, dropped my daily calorie limit by about 150 cals and was very diligent with keeping track. I never 'plateaued' and lost my last 10 as easily as my first 20. And I got to my leanest and best shape, so it's not like I lost my last 10 and could've realistically lost 10 more. It truly was my last 10!
And I lost my last 10 by focusing more on strength than anything else and did it 4x a week. (Eating was really THE most important thing.) And strength training that gets your heart rate up (vs. one set of curls, one set of chest presses, etc.) is all the rage now - you can bang out both strength and cardio with each workout. IMO - if you do anything for exercise and just make it count (you get way OUT of your comfort zone!) you're doing great. Just gotta stay on top of the food. Two handfuls of nuts can push you into maintaining vs. losing!
You can do it! And if for some reason you're body is resistant to the weight loss consider the PT cleanse or totally cleaning up your diet for a few weeks. You eat super clean and you eliminate common inflammatories and allergens. I always drop a few when I eliminate all the junk hiding in common everyday foods.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 12:15 PM
Thanks for the tips and encouragement. I was using WW, and when i put in my new weights, the points allowance didn't change. How can i calculate my new intake needs?
I would really like to try the PT clense, however i don't live in the US, and i had emailed the peertraining team to find out if there was a way around it, but i haven't heard back as yet.
Do you any good detox plans that i can get online that i could try.
Thanks again!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013, 3:38 AM
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