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Kale/Spinach in smoothies
I have tried this twice. The first time I added the kale and blended. While the flavor was not affected, i had to brush and floss after drinking a smoothie because I looked like I just ate a handful of grass. Any secret to getting the greens to break down? (I use a magic bullet)
Also...what is the best way to measure greens? The chocolate cherry bomb smoothie calls for 1/2 - 3/4 cup spinach. Is this loose pack in the measuring cup?
Mon. Jun 3, 12:20pm
Green Smoothie
Hi, I have tried the magic bullet - the only greens that it seems to efficiently blend - is spinach. Kale really doesn't liquify. You need a really good blender to completely pulverize the greens like the Vitamix. I had a lower priced blender for a long time though that worked relatively well (consumer reports recommend) it was a Braun. I absolutely believe that greens are so good for you that it is really worth it to incorporate more by way of a daily or 2x's a day green smoothie!
Monday, June 3, 2013, 1:21 PM
You need a vitamix
Try looking for one used on Craigslist... Yeah they are pricey but they blend everything to soup if you keep going... no chopped bits.
Monday, June 3, 2013, 2:07 PM
I have a target blender I got for $20-30 and it liquifies kale no problem! And I fill the whole thing up with kale.
Monday, June 3, 2013, 9:08 PM
I have a target blender I got for $20-30 and it liquifies kale no problem! And I fill the whole thing up with kale. And I blend the kale with my liquid first - when its all liquified then I add my other ingredients.
Monday, June 3, 2013, 9:09 PM
nutribullet.. its amazing!!!
i put in kale, spinach, strawberries, banana, flax, i meal almonds first .. it comes with two blades extrator and milling blade.. two different size bullet and a personal mug .. two stay fresh lids so you can make salsa, guac almond butter .. all with your bullet and store it in the container..
i WANT a vita mix but i cant get one right now, but i love my nutribullet.
Thursday, June 6, 2013, 11:13 PM
Kitchenaid immersion blender works great!
I just had a protein smoothie with kale this morning, and my Kitchenaid immersion blender does the job. I throw in ice cubes too and even though a bit loud when griding ice, it handles that as well... and the cleanup is SUCH a breeze!! I couldn't live without it. It's allso great for soups and tomato sauce (which my kids won't eat if it has lumps in it). I think this is the one kitchen tool I couldn't live without.
Sunday, June 9, 2013, 12:50 PM
A VITAMIX is the answer to all your mixing problems :D
And I have no Vitamix stocks. Once you're tried it, you won't be able to live without one.
The Vitamix was the ONLY reason I have been able to do and keep doing the JJ Virgin diet since april until today, and lost 17 lbs sofar, and counting,
Sunday, June 30, 2013, 12:58 PM
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