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Questions about cheat system

A few questions from a new person:

When making a recipe, do you not count the ingredients from the left column? For instance, if I made chili with all veggies and tomatoes and beans, then added turkey, do I count just the turkey as a cheat?

How many servings of the green energy soup can you have a day? Is it considered a cheat after the first one because you have gone over one serving of coconut milk for the day?

If the goal is portion control, how can you "eat as much as you can" from the left column? Eat as much as you can for one serving? Or eat until you feel full?

If you don't eat anything in the cheat column, will weight loss be faster? Is it healthy to eat only from the left?

Coffee, I understand is considered a cheat. Even plain black coffee? Why? It only has 2 calories.

Thanks for the help!

Mon. Apr 8, 6:05pm

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Peer trainer cheat system questions help!

Bumping thread, please help

Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 4:19 PM

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I am not perfect and I'm no expert, but wanted to share my thoughts. I hope this helps

When making a recipe, do you not count the ingredients from the left column?

that is correct, do not count foods on left, they are zero cheats

For instance, if I made chili with all veggies and tomatoes and beans, then added turkey, do I count just the turkey as a cheat?

I believe you get one serving of organic meat at zero points for the day, any other meat serving is considered a cheat

How many servings of the green energy soup can you have a day?

you can have as many servings as you like... but be sure to count the cheats... I believe a bowl (1 to 1.5 cups) runs around 150 to 200 calories, but I'd just count it as 1 cheat (1 cheat = 100 calories) for the second bowl... but others may count it differently and count two bowls as two cheats. I guess it really depends on if you stick true to recipe, which is about 0.75 cheats per bowl when I make it, and you get first coconut milk serving free/zero cheats

Is it considered a cheat after the first one because you have gone over one serving of coconut milk for the day?

yes, I believe it is only one healthy fat serving at zero cheats, then you add up the additional cheats of the healthy fats

If the goal is portion control,

? is the goal portion control ? (moderation can make some of us fat over time)
I like to think the goal is to first add in much needed alkalizing foods - natural organic whole foods, vegetables, fruits. second is to but more focus on green vegetables. third, once comfortable here, bring it up a notch and start crowding out the acidic foods with more alkalizing (natural plant based) foods. these series of shifts take some time and effort, its a process. this is how I've used the Cheat System, from time to time, first step. second step, etc. -- peertrainer doesn't state these steps, this is just how I view it and approach it

how can you "eat as much as you can" from the left column?

perhaps you can experiment with vegetable heavy soups, vegetable dense salads, and maybe try green drinks (smoothies and juices)

Eat as much as you can for one serving?

eat as many servings of the zero cheat foods as you like per meal. or maybe per snack, depending on your activity level and game plan

Or eat until you feel full?

well, you don't want to get a stomach ache or eat till you are nauseous, so eat until you are no longer hungry. however, if your body doesn't send the proper signals to your brain to stop eating, you may need to work on this and eat till just before full. I have problems with overeating, and drinking water has been a godsend!

If you don't eat anything in the cheat column, will weight loss be faster?

I don't know. I always make it a point to eat healthy fats, otherwise, I tend to binge. healthy fats keep me satisfied and satiated. don't be afraid of the healthy fats. I'm sure there are some no fat/no oil vegans on this site that can share their experiences. personally, I think you need to do what you can do every day for the rest of your life over the long haul. 6 cheats a day is ROCKIN'! 3 is pretty intense, and may be needed for some folks here to bust through a plateau

Is it healthy to eat only from the left?

sure. and I tip my hat to those that can do it! however, I need to eat a cheeseburger every once in a while. I also add a little bacon to otherwise vegan dishes.

Coffee, I understand is considered a cheat. Even plain black coffee? Why? It only has 2 calories.

I adore coffee and I feel your pain. perhaps you may want to consider buying an organic brand to avoid the pesticides. also, I say this with a heavy heart, coffee can interfere with sleep... and when you aren't getting adequate sleep every night, it impedes weight loss, stalling you out on the scale, making your weight loss slugglish and less efficient

perhaps you can take the hit, but be aware

Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 9:48 PM

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Thanks for your input 9:48; I've also been waiting for answers to these questions.


Thursday, April 11, 2013, 1:51 PM

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