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Ok, so my fiance and I visited our 4th possible reception place last night (we have appointments booked like crazy to see places). And i'm getting the feeling that these event planners don't seem to care too much. Out of all of them only one was really excited and seemed willing to make our day special. I want some one who cares if we are going to be paying a lot of money!

Anyone get married in Lancaster, PA and have vendor suggestions? DJ, flowers, photographer, reception location, ceremony, etc.???

Fri. May 5, 7:58am

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I found the same thing to be true when I was trying to find a reception site. We looked for 6 months! All I really wanted was someone to follow up with me after the visit to see if I had any questions. Out of the 20+ places we looked at only 1 person ever called us back! They don't have to work hard for your business. There is another bride who willt take your place!! That's one of the reasons we decided to do a destination wedding and get married on the beach.

Friday, May 5, 2006, 8:54 AM

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I found the same thing to be true when I was trying to find a reception site. We looked for 6 months! All I really wanted was someone to follow up with me after the visit to see if I had any questions. Out of the 20+ places we looked at only 1 person ever called us back! They don't have to work hard for your business. There is another bride who willt take your place!! That's one of the reasons we decided to do a destination wedding and get married on the beach.

Friday, May 5, 2006, 8:54 AM

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I found the same thing to be true when I was trying to find a reception site. We looked for 6 months! All I really wanted was someone to follow up with me after the visit to see if I had any questions. Out of the 20+ places we looked at only 1 person ever called us back! They don't have to work hard for your business. There is another bride who willt take your place!! That's one of the reasons we decided to do a destination wedding and get married on the beach.

Friday, May 5, 2006, 8:54 AM

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I got lucky I guess

Budget, location and party size left me with few places to consider. I must say though that all three places I scouted (one in Washington DC, one outside of Philadelphia, and the actual final choice in the Poconos (PA)) were all very receptive, treated me and my fiance very well and truly wanted to make our wedding the perfect day. If I left messages via phone or email, someone always got back to me. I think I probably did myself a favor by not making appointments with places that had demands on head count or money spent for a Saturday night. My fiance is from the Lancaster area and both of his brothers and two cousins were married there. I'll ask where they all had their receptions. Maybe it will give you more places to look.
Hang in there!

Friday, May 5, 2006, 9:17 AM

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I got lucky I guess

Budget, location and party size left me with few places to consider. I must say though that all three places I scouted (one in Washington DC, one outside of Philadelphia, and the actual final choice in the Poconos (PA)) were all very receptive, treated me and my fiance very well and truly wanted to make our wedding the perfect day. If I left messages via phone or email, someone always got back to me. I think I probably did myself a favor by not making appointments with places that had demands on head count or money spent for a Saturday night. My fiance is from the Lancaster area and both of his brothers and two cousins were married there. I'll ask where they all had their receptions. Maybe it will give you more places to look.
Hang in there!

Friday, May 5, 2006, 9:17 AM

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I got lucky I guess

Budget, location and party size left me with few places to consider. I must say though that all three places I scouted (one in Washington DC, one outside of Philadelphia, and the actual final choice in the Poconos (PA)) were all very receptive, treated me and my fiance very well and truly wanted to make our wedding the perfect day. If I left messages via phone or email, someone always got back to me. I think I probably did myself a favor by not making appointments with places that had demands on head count or money spent for a Saturday night. My fiance is from the Lancaster area and both of his brothers and two cousins were married there. I'll ask where they all had their receptions. Maybe it will give you more places to look.
Hang in there!

Friday, May 5, 2006, 9:17 AM

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I'm looking forward to the suggestions and advise that your fiance's family can offer regarding the Lancaster area. Any information will be helpful! Thanks again!!!

Monday, May 8, 2006, 12:36 PM

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I'm looking forward to the suggestions and advise that your fiance's family can offer regarding the Lancaster area. Any information will be helpful! Thanks again!!!

Monday, May 8, 2006, 12:36 PM

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I'm looking forward to the suggestions and advise that your fiance's family can offer regarding the Lancaster area. Any information will be helpful! Thanks again!!!

Monday, May 8, 2006, 12:36 PM

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I'll ask tonight, and post tomorrow!

hopefully he'll mention some places you haven't considered yet.

Monday, May 8, 2006, 12:54 PM

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I'll ask tonight, and post tomorrow!

hopefully he'll mention some places you haven't considered yet.

Monday, May 8, 2006, 12:54 PM

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I'll ask tonight, and post tomorrow!

hopefully he'll mention some places you haven't considered yet.

Monday, May 8, 2006, 12:54 PM

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A great place to check for ideas and get advice is
They have chat boards by area, maybe someone on there could give you some ideas.

Monday, May 8, 2006, 1:03 PM

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A great place to check for ideas and get advice is
They have chat boards by area, maybe someone on there could give you some ideas.

Monday, May 8, 2006, 1:03 PM

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A great place to check for ideas and get advice is
They have chat boards by area, maybe someone on there could give you some ideas.

Monday, May 8, 2006, 1:03 PM

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