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Thyroid Meds for weight loss?
My DIL had her thyroid irradiated a few years back due to hyperthyroidism. Ever since then she's been on thyroid meds. Recently she said she feels the dose is too high because she can eat whatever she wants, in whatever quantities she desires, and she doesn't gain weight. Occasionally she even loses a couple lbs. She thinks the dose has become too high for her maintenance, because of this and her much increased level of energy. The doc said to keep taking it because she needs it. She disagrees so she stopped taking it and now the bottle is languishing on the shelf in a kitchen cabinet.
Question: if I don't have a medically slow thyroid, but I do have seriously diminished levels of energy due to fibro, chronic fatigue, arthritis and all the meds prescribed for them, can I take her thryoid meds (cut the tabs in half) and get extra energy and weight loss?
Sun. Jul 22, 11:19am
please don't take any prescription medicines without a doctor's prescribing them to you. your daughter should be following the doctor's recommendations, too. it is extremely dangerous to treat medications lightly, as things that can just be taken or not taken at will. if you and your daughter are concerned about your respective healths, go see a doctor.
Sunday, July 22, 2012, 10:03 PM
Your DIL needs to go back to her doctor, or get a new doctor, and take her condition seriously. She needs the medication, and she is also supposed to be getting regular blood tests to make sure she's on the right level of medication for her needs. It sounds like she needs a dosage adjustment.
I'm amazed that someone would want to illegally take a family member's medication instead of encouraging that family member to stay healthy by following the advice of her doctor. Just shocking!
Monday, July 23, 2012, 10:07 AM
Well, it sounds like you are telling me off like I'm a naughty child. First off, DIL refuses to take the meds because the doc refuses to accept that she knows her body and needs a dose adjustment. Her ins won't let her see any other doc without paying full price. It's a "network" thing. Second, it is not illegal. SHe has a leagl doctor prescription for the meds. It's not like it's vicodin or crack or something. Stop judging people when all I wanted was info, not a parental lecture.
Monday, July 23, 2012, 10:52 AM
this is a god article that talks about the roots of hypothyroidism:
"The cause of hypothyroidism in the US is autoimmune in nearly all cases," says Dr. Alan Christianson, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Thyroid Disease.
And the roots of autoimmune diseases often are in diet....
Monday, July 23, 2012, 11:58 AM
No, because those meds are specifically for a low thyroid. If you don't have a low thyroid, they won't help you. You might also end up with symptoms of hyperthyroidism, which might involve weight loss but also a whole lot of other medical problems to go along with it. I'm not a doctor, but I'd worry that you would also be at risk of messing up your thyroid's ability to regulate itself and end up with permanent problems. I wouldn't risk it.
Monday, July 23, 2012, 2:10 PM
It IS illegal for YOU to take someone elses medication. And really, people who even entertain ideas like this need a lecture in common sense. Did you really think someone would say "Yeah, that's a great idea. Go ahead with that"?
Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 9:58 AM
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