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Drinking Alcohol

Hi there everyone. I started eating " Dr. Fuhrman-esque" about 2 weeks ago and lost 3 pounds. I say "esque" because I have not stopped drinking alcoho and indulge in a sweet treat every now and thenl. I meet up with friends once or twice a week and we have drinkis, a meal or a dessert.
I have to admit I feel like my feet get swollen when I drink and the scale creeps up the morning after. In addition to the empty calories alcohol contriubutes, does it also make one swell?
I am glimpsing an alcohol free lifestyle if I really want to reach my goal. Any opinions, insight out there from the community?

Fri. Jun 29, 2:04pm

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Several of my Korean friends have complained about swelling and turning red (flush in face) from drinking. I think they are allergic? It sounds to me you've already made up your mind to stop drinking, yes? You can still go out and enjoy your friends without the drinks or desserts. Honest! Have a cup of tea instead.

I love my drink way too much. It is the difference of 10 pounds on me, easy! Or about one pant size. D'oh!

10 pounds is ridiculous. I know!

Sunday, July 1, 2012, 6:34 PM

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alcohol is a diuretic. So your body compensates by holding extra water. Also, if you eat salty unhealthy food when drinking (as many people do) that will also contribute to swelling. Drink lots of water to minimize this.

Monday, July 9, 2012, 10:30 PM

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Relative to the previous post - Diuretics cause your kidneys to produce more urine. If you take a diuretic, it helps your body get rid of fluid.

Salt (sodium chloride) causes the body to retain fluid because of the sodium in salt.

Alcohol causes peripheral dilation of blood vessels. This happens to everybody but is merely more visible on some people than others on whom it is noted as "flushing".

Thursday, July 12, 2012, 2:47 PM

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