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How can you eat Fruits and Vegetables?

I consider myself to be an extremely unhealthy eater. Most of my diet consists of chicken, a starch or carb (like pasta, potatoes, or rice) and a high glucose drink. Growing up I was never really forced to eat veggies so eating veggies now has become a challenge. I feel as though eating a large amount of fatty foods has changed my taste buds, before I could at least have a little bit of fruit and corn or baby carrots but now everything healthy isn't comparable with popcorn chicken or rice-o-roni. I've even gone days without drinking any water! My good cholesterol is at a low 33 when it should be +60. I feel as though I'm digging my own grave so my question to you is how can I start eating healthy and enjoy fruits and vegetables when I'm used to fatty foods?

Mon. Jun 25, 5:27am

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smoothies!!! green smoothies rock.. spinach with banana, strawberry some almond milk, ice.. mmm you can add any fruit or veggie and blend well.

also make a game of seeing how many new veggies with so many different colors you can try.

veggies rock.. but until you like them mask them in smoothies or add herbs and spices with different flavors..

little by little keep adding something new. eventually you will develop a taste for them.


Monday, June 25, 2012, 9:37 PM

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Hi OP,

I'm so excited for you! You've been missing out on wonderful dimensions of eating. And you know how much we all love eating!! There are so many different fruits and vegies. You'll find some you really love.

An important explanation of something that is going to come into play for you...
In our brains, we have a fat satiety center. If you don't consume the amount of fat you are accustomed to, your fat satiety center 'tells' you that you are 'hungry' for fat. You have told us you eat a large amount of fatty food, so your fat satiety center is currently set on high. When you cut back on fatty foods, your fat satiety center will reset at a lower level, meanwhile however you will crave fatty food. Fight that craving and don't give in to it! It only takes a short time, maybe a couple days, to significantly reset the fat satiety center.

Good luck and enjoy your new adventure in eating!

Monday, June 25, 2012, 10:36 PM

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Think about how babies gag and make horrible faces when they first start eating. It's a training process for your taste buds. Introduce small amounts at a time.
Put dressing and sea salt on your veggies to make it more appealing. It gets easier. Any change, even the smallest amount is a step forward.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 1:56 PM

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