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Can't seem to lose weight? Maybe You Have Syndrome W

After trying most of my adult life to lose weight, at age 59, I went to a nutritionist. She looked at my medical records and asked many questions, and she was certain I had metabolic syndrome, or Syndrome W as referred to by Dr. Harritte Mogul of New York Medical College. Dr. Mogul found her patients were insulin resistant at the cellular level.
Typically this syndrome affects women after age 50. They are over weight and carry most of their weight in the midriff area or their body. They have slightly higher blood pressure levels, and lower HDL cholesterol, or good cholesterol, levels. They have "normal" fasting glucose levels. However, no matter what they do they can't seem to lose weight. That's me.
My nutritionist put me on a diet which basically has me not eating carbs until after 4:00. So I eat veggies, meat, eggs, tofu, yogurt and a little low glycemic fruit, during breakfast, lunch and a 3:00pm snack, and dinner. I can have one carb for dinner. White sugar is out, but there are other natural low glycemic sweeteners that I can have.
I feel wonderful and the weight is dropping off. I've never felt so good. This would be similar to PT Cheat Diet, however, the "cheats" cannot be carbs early in the day.
There's more info on line. Just google Syndrome W and Harriette Mogul. Better yet talk to your doctor about this or see a nutritionist. This syndrome can lead to many other serious complications, so I think it's worth checking out. I'm so grateful I found out about this.

Tue. Feb 28, 11:40am

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Saturday, November 11, 2006, 4:51 PM

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Why would I do this when I can do the Cheat system? It works so well.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 12:00 PM

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If the Cheat System works for you, then wonderful. Stay with the Cheat System. But there might be those who have this condition who still try and use their "cheats" as grains in the morning or lunch and find that they still cannot lose weight. Not everyone has this syndrome, so it would be wise to work with a doctor or nutritionist who knows about this syndrome. It estimated that 1 in 4 people in the USA have this silent condition, and it's very serious.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 1:26 PM

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P.S. I didn't put this link on this post. Don't know how to get it off.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 1:28 PM

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So glad you found someone to work with. Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, syndrome w, or whatever you want to call it, is really at the root of so many diseases. I think the cheat system fits in quite well if you are trying to recover control of the whole imbalance.
We learned quite a bit about this at the herbalism/nutrition school I attended. I recently came across this site. I think it gives some good guidance for tracking blood sugar levels.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 9:24 PM

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