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What do members trying to focus on eating vegetables eat for BREAKFAST?
I am trying to follow the PT Cheat system, and have generally tried to follow Dr. Fuhrman's nutrient dense plan, avoiding animal protein, breads, and processed foods.
Other than a piece of fruit, what do you eat for breakfast?
Mon. Jan 9, 7:30am
a huge salad, with a ton of stuff in it.
Monday, January 9, 2012, 9:00 AM
Bowl of soup (with scoop vegetable protein)
Sautéed onions, mushrooms and spinach (with an egg? or beans?)
Cup of beans with too much salsa, coffee black and grapefruit.
Have you tried making green smoothies yet??
Nuts, seeds, fruit, greens. I like beans, but limited quantities now.
Baked sweet potato?
Monday, January 9, 2012, 9:38 AM
REspone to Previous Posters
Thanks for your suggestions. I don't know why but my stomach just doesn't seem to handle salad until 11 am or so.
I do make green smoothies, which are great in the warmer weather, but it's 30 degrees her in the am, and I guess I'm looking for something warm, or at least room temp to start the day
Monday, January 9, 2012, 9:51 AM
I love having a baked sweet potato for breakfast. It's very convenient. You can just bake a bunch of them on weekends and heat it up a bit in the microwave in the morning. Cooking it in the microwave tends to leave them dry.
Monday, January 9, 2012, 10:17 AM
I do soy cheese and a slice of tomato.
Monday, January 9, 2012, 1:04 PM
I like steamed spinach w/ egg or beans on tortilla and loaded down w/ salsa.
Monday, January 9, 2012, 8:39 PM
Vegetable omelettes, especially with kale and/or mushrooms. Yum! I use a fat-free egg product for the eggs and fat-free cheese with the veggies.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 10:28 PM
Fresh juices mixed with proteirn powder are good and so are low fat smoothies. This morning I had a smoothie with almond milk,banana, chia seed brewers yeast, plant based protein powder and acai powder. Sounds hectic, but it was really good. Yours don't have to be so elaborate but you want to have protein so your don't burn out.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 10:34 AM
Breakfast Choices
I find that I do best when I have protein and veggies for breakfast. This took some rethinking about what breakfast looks like.
I usually have 1.5-2 cups of veggies--this time of year it is mostly kale and onions, other choices are spinach, asparagus, summer squash, mushrooms,etc. I saute these in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil then gently fry 2 eggs to an easy over stage.
I found I can have breakfast out and still get my veggies by ordering a dinner salad and poached eggs. I put the eggs on top of the salad and enjoy. Sounds a little strange but it is good.
Leftover salmon and veggies are also good for breakfast.
Good luck! Have fun!
Thursday, January 12, 2012, 11:50 AM
Sorry. Just reread your post and realized my suggestion might not work for since I rely heavily on animal protein to get me going. Still, good luck!
Thursday, January 12, 2012, 11:54 AM
Many cultures eat veggies for breakfast. Though most do rely on a starch as a basis: rice, or beans or oats. I'm very fond of a Costa Rican dish, gallo pinto, made with rice and beans. I alter the recipe so that it has many more beans than brown or black rice, then increase the veggies so that they make up half or more of the whole. Still tastes fantastic, and is healthier. I also like my homemade veggie soup for breakfast in the morning in the winter, with beans or tofu added for protein. On egg days - I haven't given them up yet - I make oatmeal and add a scrambled egg and 2 oz chopped spinach.
I often prepare a lot of veggies for stir fry all at once, so that it is easy to throw together a few for a quick meal.
A new combination I tried this week would work great for soothing, creamy breakfast: peal, chop and steam 2 good sized parsnips, 3 cloves garlic and a head of cauliflower. Puree in a food processor. Add pepper. So delicious, I could have eaten the whole batch. Maybe some tofu for protein? (I just looked, and Fuhrman has a mashed cauliflower recipe with spinach and cashew butter - that would be a way to add protein and more veggies. I need to try that!) this can be made ahead of time and warmed up for a quick comforting breakfast.
Sunday, January 15, 2012, 2:22 PM
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