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How To Not Get Sick

We were having dinner with friends recently, and we were discussing an interesting phenomenon. And that is, people who make the transition to a ton more vegetables and greens, really do get sick less. It is just such a no-brainer.

But on the flip side, people who have not made the shift are so resistant to the point of being incredulous. They just don't believe it.

For those of you who have made big changes, what have been your experiences since in terms of getting sick?

The Science Of How To Boost Your Immunity With Food


Thu. Dec 15, 2:19pm

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I have tried everything convincing other people. My kids no longer get sick for the most part. Maybe the occaisonal bug comes through. But no more of the endless runny noses. My kids never got ear infections (knock on wood) but I know people whose kids do. And these are the people who think you are crazy for saying that food has something to do with it.

I think the best thing one can do is definitely say something, say that these changes work. And then wait for them to hear it from other people. At some point it will start to sink in.

Change is hard. Especially since people have begun to distrust the word "change"

Thursday, December 15, 2011, 2:53 PM

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I have not even had a cold in 3 years. My husband was in the hospital almost 2 years and I was there every day around all the stuff you can get in a hospital! He is home and right now has pneumonia but I am healthy and strong. I am amazed! I used to get sick every october for some reason but not since I started adding nutrients and Eating to Live! I also take vitamins B, D3, calcium, a multi, astaxanthin, vegan omega 3 DHA, and coconut oil. I honestly feel I cannot get sick! I may live forever! I am 60, strong bones, endless energy (no naps), and at a normal weight with a flat stomach. A 60lb weight loss!! from an 18 to an 8!! Nutrient dense food is the best thing for a healthy life!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011, 3:01 PM

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Sick Less Yes!

I have commented many times to friends and family who keep getting colds and fevers that I really don't anymore, maybe one time this year. Interestingly, I get a slight runny nose frequently when I eat my salad and veggies. It stops shortly after eating, maybe an allergy?

Thursday, December 15, 2011, 3:04 PM

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it is not just ETL. Removing some of the toxic foods I think is just as important. It might not make you less sick, but in my experience it will make you feel a lot better.

Thursday, December 15, 2011, 3:13 PM

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I know for certain that my health has improved since I began my lifestyle change two years ago. Every winter, I would get at least one terrible respiratory infection with that deep, painful cough that last until spring. Knock on wood, I am still going strong and if I make it until April, this will be my third winter WITHOUT getting "the cough". This isn't to say that I don't cough ever or that I'm immune to everything. I have come down with strep throat once and had the stomach virus for too, but the frequency, length and severity of my illnesses have DEFINITELY decreased. I am so thankful for my new found health and I believe that this is 100% because I am eating healthy and exercising. If I ever feel like I am starting to get sick, I up my fruits and veggies and drink water until I think I'm going to explode, exercise and stretch really well to release all the toxins. Works like a charm!!! When I started losing weight, I knew that I would improve my cardiovascular health, relieve the stress on my joints and reduce my chance of diabetes, but it never occurred to me that I would improve my immune system too! Best surprise ever!!!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011, 3:43 PM

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Not Getting Sick

I've been eating a lot's of vegetables all of my life and experience good overall health. It's unusual for me to contract any of the "bugs" that "go around". Even when I was raising my kids, I never got whatever they had growing up.

Growing up my mother always had a garden, fruit trees, and pecan trees. Although, we weren't trained to be vegeterians, often we had little meat. But plenty of vegetables and fruits all the time. Our diet was mainly beans, vegetables, and fruit. Popcorn was our only snack aside from the cake Mama baked once a month. We rarely even had a cold.

An interesting observation: My mother passed away when my sister, the youngest of 5 kids, was 14. At that point she ate whatever she wanted to because the gardening stopped long before my mother died and my father didn't supervise how she ate. Today is my sister's birthday and if she were alive would be 50. She had more heath issues than any of the rest of us.

As I grew older I added a greater variety of vegetables to my diet. She often ridiculed me for the way I ate, but I never stopped. Mainly because they are so good. Now I wonder if her choice to not eat lots of green vegetables contributed to her early death. I can't say for sure. But I know that in spite of being overweight, I'm not on any medications and my doctors are pleased with my condition. I thank God and my mother's frugality.

Thursday, December 15, 2011, 3:49 PM

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3:49- wow. Thanks for sharing that.

Thursday, December 15, 2011, 3:58 PM

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My brother in laws children are always getting sick but they don't even get it when I drop hints. How do you get people to listen?

Thursday, December 15, 2011, 4:50 PM

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I used to get sick twice a year, like clockwork. And each episode would last about a month. It became extremely frustrating and a little depressing and I felt colds and bronchitis were taking up way too much of my life. In the 3 years since I've adopted a healthy diet and a consciousness about my health, I have not gotten sick once. In addition, I have learned what to do if I start feeling any type of bug coming on, which is to simply load up on Vitamin C. You can't go wrong.

Friday, December 16, 2011, 1:59 PM

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The lady who is 60 and size 6

You are fabulous! I am just now starting this at 50 and you are very inspiring to me! I have been doing the PT Cheat thing for a few weeks now. I did it in August and lost 10 lbs. Went off the wagon. I am back on track now. Going strong. Would love you PT Cheaters to share recipes to keep it interesting.

Friday, December 16, 2011, 10:13 PM

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I don't really use the cheat system as a plan however I do eat foods from the left side exclusively. I make greens/fruit smoothies daily and lots of soups! I eat greens at every meal and beans daily plus nuts and seeds. I am never hungry! I do make my food separately though. That is how I went from an 18 to a 6-8 in a year at 60. Check my logs! Tcbsuzann

Monday, December 19, 2011, 3:04 PM

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When getting sick up your vitamin D. I tend to take 2 tabs a day of 1000 units. If I'm getting sick I will take 4 tabs a day. When I work I take Omega 3 too but that's not to avoid being sick that's just to help my concentration.

In the winter have warm spices. Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ginger and Turmeric.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 4:19 AM

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When getting sick up your vitamin D. I tend to take 2 tabs a day of 1000 units. If I'm getting sick I will take 4 tabs a day. When I work I take Omega 3 too but that's not to avoid being sick that's just to help my concentration.

In the winter have warm spices. Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ginger and Turmeric.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 4:19 AM

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