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How To Make Weight Watchers (And Other Diets) Heart Healthy

This is a new article written by Janet Brill, who has a Ph.D. in nutrition:

The very basic idea to make weight watchers and any other diet heart healthy (or more heart healthy) is summarized by Dr. Brill:

"the plan consists of removing the plaque-building foods (red meat, cream, butter, eggs, and cheese) that cause blood vessel damage and replacing them with delicious anti-inflammatory foods that facilitate the body's natural healing processes to reverse existing heart disease and restore quality of life.

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Wed. May 25, 12:13pm

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I can understand the importance of asking someone to change their diet after a heart attack, but I don't see how someone can be successful when you are asking them to cut out all meat and cheese. Wouldn't it be better to tell them to eat them in moderation rather than asking them to make such extreme changes which is more likely than not setting them up to fail?

Also, a lot of recent research has proven that the red meat link to heart disease that was introduced in the mid-20th century was mostly incorrect.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 1:26 PM

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moderation is a "dying" concept ;)

If your body is out of balance, moderation is not going to help you. It is very common sense- going easy on the meat and cheese will give your body a chance to repair itself.

If you are super healthy and building muscle up and down- then yes, the protein from meat and cheese would make sense.

But if you have a heart attack, and live, and the cardiologist comes in after doing angioplasty or a stent, the first thing he will say is "go easy on the red meat and cream and butter"

I happened to have heard this advice in a hospital room from a Doctor at the cardio ward of the Maine Medical Center in Portland Maine.

This month.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 3:10 PM

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