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Cruise! Help me take 10 lbs off!
I am going on a cruise at the end of May and want to lose about 10 lbs. Is it possible to do this in a healthy way? Any suggestions are appreciated. I have been walking for exercise, but just joined the gym to start taking step classes. If I go 3x a week do you think 10lbs is reasonable?
Wed. Apr 19, 2:38pm
1-2 lbs/week is considered healthy weight loss. It's great that you are doing cardio. What about weights? That will help speed up your metabolism. I'm a firm believer that being healthy is 20% exercise and 80% diet. So, I would recommend eating clean (unprocessed foods-whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean meats, little sugar) and staying hydrated. Good luck and enjoy the cruise.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 3:14 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 3:32 PM
1 quick way to cut calories-- don't drink any soda or juices-- instead, opt for water (or water with lemon), herbal (caffeine free) teas, etc.
Definitely, the Cardio will help. If you ARE walking, my friend suggested to me to get some small hand weights (only about 2 lbs) and to swing the arms while walking-- it will naturally get you to walk faster.. .AND will help tone the arms! ;-)
Try to mix up the exercise, so that you are working a variety of muscles and body parts.
And, whenever you can remember it, "suck in your gut" and stand/ sit up straight. Good posture can do a world of difference in how you look and feel!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 3:41 PM
yes its possible, it really does depend on if you are far from your ideal weight or not, if you are you can do it. I totally recommend weight training, so when you loose the fat, you will have sleek toned muscles showing. That looks good in a bathing suit. marie claire online has a great workout to look better in 4 weeks, its works.
Here are some tips. Eat vegetables first, even better make them chunky. Drink water before and after a meal, lower sodium intake and caffeine. Do interval walking, speed up slow down, this really revs up your metabolism.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 3:49 PM
I've been on 5 cruises before, and aside from working to lose weight for the cruise, you should work on a routine FOR the cruise. They're huge boats (you can walk a ton), with pools (working out in the water) and great fitness facilities (you can do your daily exercise), but, there are also people walking around with fatty pina coladas all day, and food 24 hours a day, for "free." You can make a cruise a great, enjoyable vacation, and still lose weight while you're there, but it's easy to pack on a bunch too.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 4:10 PM
I plan to work out on the cruise, but I also might indulge a little too. Luckily, my boyfriend is coming with me and he wakes up everyday at 5:00 AM, so he promised me force me out of bed to do early morning exercise, so I can spend the day being conscious of what I eat, but not obsessing!
Thanks for all of the great advice! Keep it coming!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 4:43 PM
Note. What you see may not be what you get... I was on a cruise, where the brochure promised a work-out room. When we got there, the workout room was TINY! :-) Yes, have a plan to keep from gaining from the 24 hour-a-day all-access food party!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 4:48 PM
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