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small accomplishment!

hello...this is nowhere near as big of an accomplishment as a lot of people have achieved here, but after about 5 months on peertrainer and a few ups and downs, i've reached my lowest weight yet. only 7 lbs so far, but considering that i started right at the holidays, i'm going to give myself a break.

Wed. Apr 19, 1:55pm

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good for you! it doesn't matter whether you've lost 7 lbs in those 5 months or 25 lbs . . .what matters is that you are doing something good for your health and obviously have made enough changes in your diet and lifestyle to have 7 lbs melt off! keep up the good work! and don't get discouraged!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 1:57 PM

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Thanks! I'm feeling re-energized.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 2:45 PM

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keep up the good work!!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 2:52 PM

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I don't think that's a small accomplishment! Kudos to you for keeping it off! I've only lost about 7, but my clothes fit better, and the proof is in the pudding! :-)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 3:44 PM

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7 pounds is a good accomplishment. Congratulations!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 3:47 PM

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Great job! You should feel proud of yourself! I am proud of you =)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 3:48 PM

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You have had some ups and downs? And you still lost weight? Congratulations that is an accomplishment!

Look at it this way, if you hadn't been trying all these months, you could still be your beginning weight PLUS some. Also, the key to any succesful weight removal program is how long you are able to keep it off. Lifestyle change is the buzz word here. If it takes a long time to get it right then whats the harm in that?

I have been doing peertrainer for about 3 months now. My scale weight flucuates within the same 5 pound range as when I started. Last time I weighed, same exact number as when I started. So technically (according to the blasted scale!) I have had NO accomplishment. Is this true? No its not. Because I exercise 3 to 5 times a week, I am stronger, faster, I can run 20 minutes without stopping and my diet is looking a little better each week. Did you know I actually like salad and water now? Now THAT is a major accomplishment:-)

So try to gauge your accomplishments not in pounds lost but in positive changes made.

Thursday, April 20, 2006, 11:16 AM

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I'm the poster who started the thread a few days ago that I had reached my high school weight. I just wanted to mention, to the above posters, first, my first 3-4 months on peertrainer, I actually gained a couple pounds on and off. I didn't start seeing losses until August/Sept. and I started at the end of April. Second, I've only lost about a total of 10lbs from my starting weight. So 7lbs is very impressive as well!

Thursday, April 20, 2006, 12:40 PM

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well done! I'm impressed. I'm just about to start so any success sounds good to me... you know, I do wish these threads included names so we could follow who says what. i do find it a bit confusing..

Friday, April 21, 2006, 6:53 PM

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Hi OP -- I think reaching your "lowest weight yet" is a HUGE accomplishment. I'm not sure who you are comparing against when you say it isn't as big as the accomplishments of others on peertrainer -- I think it is just as great. And think of all the places that accomplishment is going to lead. I'm psyched for you! Rock on.

Saturday, April 22, 2006, 12:59 PM

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