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How long to train for a 5k? 5 weeks long enough?

Don't laugh - There is a 5k in my area in 5 weeks - I would love to try it.

I am overweight, but not completely out of shape. I have a history of running so I am not completely new to it, but it has been years... probably 5 years? But over these years I have done workout videos and things like that.

IS this possible, or am I dreaming? I have a giddy "high" about trying to accomplish this, but I have had a few friends laugh at me and tell me I'm crazy and that it will never happen. What do yall think?

Mon. Sep 27, 9:08am

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Go for it! Just get out there now and start walking and running. There's probably no reason you can't cover a 5k distance for a workout - just mix running with walking and keep at it. Even if you have to do that during the 5k, which other people will be doing as well, you can definitely take part in the race 5 weeks from now!

Monday, September 27, 2010, 9:30 AM

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nobody will laugh- this is an excellent goal. My advice is make sure you enjoy it, take your time and don't worry about your time. You already won by deciding to do this.


Monday, September 27, 2010, 10:10 AM

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OP here

Well, thank you so much for this - I was afraid I would come back and get some heckles!

I "trained" on my treadmill tonight - I walked/ran 2 miles in 35 minutes, running 15 seconds at 4.0 for every minute of walking at 3.0. Towards the end I upped my running speed to 4.5 and went for 30 seconds of running per minute of walking - maybe just the last 5 minutes. I was experimenting. I think I might be able to handle 30 second intervals of running stacked with 30 seconds of walking.

I'll keep this thread updated on my progress - it will be good accountability for me. Thanks!

Monday, September 27, 2010, 9:34 PM

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