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Traveling for Work - Challenges, Gripes, Rants, Tips, Tricks, Suggestions, etc.

Thought I'd start a new thread for those of us who have to travel for work and still stick to our diet and exercise plans.

What are the biggest challenges/obstacles you run into?

Do you have any tips/tricks for sticking to your routines and/or making the best of the disruptions to your routine?

How do you get around airline/train food, the food provided at large meetings, etc.?

Do you run into sabotage (intended or otherwise) from your co-workers/fellow-travelers, and if so, how do you deal?

Sun. Sep 26, 11:02am

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I pack pre-packaged meals- Chick Peas Curry which is an indian dish in a pouch travels really well. Lara bars travel well. I usually scope out the local Whole Foods if I am traveling through.

You can get salads pretty much everywhere. the big trip up for me are meals with others. You really need to go with the flow here, especially in a work environment.

Monday, September 27, 2010, 9:27 PM

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exercise - work out a routine that you can do in a small space, like skipping and push-ups or some kind of stair workout where you just need to find an available stairwell

airplane food - portions are usually tiny and the dessert highly un-tempting anyway, but I have been known to say no to the entree and just eat the sides. You can ask if there are extra salad/veg cups.

sabotage? - nah, nobody else controls what goes into my mouth

Monday, September 27, 2010, 9:58 PM

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some ideas:
Concerning workout: did you try Bodylastics bands? They are really great and easy to carry around. There are some PT videos from Jackie trying these things on Youtube.
And concerning food: I prefer to take bananas and mixed nuts with me if I'm travelling. They are relatively high in calories, but they are also very nutrient dense and if you eat them the whole day, you need nothing else. And a piece of fruit or a salad will be enough for lunch / dinner, so you won't starve with others on the table.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 9:42 AM

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Sunday, March 4, 2018, 4:02 PM

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I travelled a lot as my nature of the careerperfect job is some sort like this. This is the reason now I love travelling although its more than 5 years since I’m travelling after every two weeks but it didn’t get me tired. Always feel pleasure in exploring the world.

Sunday, June 28, 2020, 7:43 AM

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