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Am I overdoing it perhaps?

I have no complaints about weight loss (too much or not enough) or anything like that. However I'd just like to ensure I'm on the right track :)

I work as a massage therapist so my body already takes a pretty good beating.

Outside of work I am eating 1000-1200 calories a day (my mornings are just a special K protein shake as Im not a breakfast person)...

I keep it lean and healthy, as organic as possible. However my question is this, I do a brisk walk/run alternating for 60 minutes 6 days a week followed by an hour of weight training on the "circuit".

I'm losing weight steadily and I'm finding my muscles are definitely better able to handle the demands of my job.... but could I be lifting too much??

Thanks for any input :)

(And I know, LOL I need to add some sort of aerobics, I'm looking at Zumba and a few others throughout the week to replace the treadmil with)

Fri. Sep 17, 6:22pm

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I don't think you are overdoing the exercise. I LOVE zumba.

I don't understand doing "an hour of weight training on the circuit." Does that mean you are doing weights for your entire body six days a week? If you are doing this, there are two problems. Your body is going to get used to the same routine, so you should change it up. Also, you should have a day of rest between working the same body part with weights. It's during this rest phase that your muscles actually grow. Weight training breaks down the muscle and the rest period is for the growth.

Great job with the weight loss. You are doing something right!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010, 10:50 AM

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Also, make sure you're eating enough. 1000-1200 cal/day is pretty low, especially if you're lifting, doing cardio, and have an active lifestyle.

Saturday, September 18, 2010, 12:00 PM

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Couldn't agree more with the pp! Under 1200 calories a day is dangerous for any period of time.

Saturday, September 18, 2010, 6:16 PM

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Why do you think you might be overdoing it? If you feel great and are enjoying the process as well as the results there is no reason to change anything. One hour of weights in a fast circuit would be enough cardio for me, but I am not you. If you think you are not getting the 'bang for the buck' out of the time you are spending exercising, try a couple sessions with a trainer.

Sunday, September 19, 2010, 12:51 AM

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