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Happy Passover!

Is anyone else out there trying to keep Kosher for Passover? I'm really struggling with breakfast ideas, and packed-lunch ideas (a salad works if I want to buy it, but that'll get pricey). What are your favorite Passover foods?

Also, does anyone know a concise list of the "rules"?

Happy Passover!

Wed. Apr 12, 10:19am

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Here's part of an essay on by Rabbi Barry Block:

"Yes, we should refrain from eating hametz, foods that are forbidden during Passover. Technically, hametz consists of five grains – wheat, barley, spelt, oats, and rye – when those grains are mixed with water for long enough to rise. Some Jews don’t eat corn or rice; some don’t eat garlic. I have no argument with Reform Jews who observe those additional restrictions. However, I do not. Therefore, I ate at Karam’s last Passover. Corn tortillas, in my practice, are permitted, as are foods with corn syrup.

Whatever Passover dietary restrictions we adopt, we should do so with seriousness, with consistency, and with purpose. We can learn discipline, by staying with our Passover dietary restrictions throughout the week. We may sanctify our homes for the holiday, by removing forbidden foods from our refrigerators and our pantries, and we may symbolize that act of cleansing by checking every nook and cranny for hametz. We must not bring ridicule on our faith, on our people, on Reform Judaism or on our Temple by eating obviously inappropriate foods in public during Passover. We lose respect for ourselves, and we relinquish our esteem in the eyes of others, when we eat sandwiches, rolls and pastries in restaurants during Passover.

You no doubt noticed that I left the dietary restrictions to the end of this sermon. I did not “save the best for last.” In fact, as concerned as I am that some among us will ignore these mitzvot altogether, I am equally disconcerted by those whose obsession with these dietary laws obscures the deeper meaning of the holiday. We eat matzah to remind us of the poor bread our ancestors ate in slavery. We eat matzah to remember the bread that our people baked so quickly as they were leaving Egypt. We eat matzah to call our minds to the plight of others who eat only poor bread all year, not by choice or by ritual, but because they are not free, just as we were slaves in the land of Egypt.

When we badger ourselves or one another about a drop of corn syrup in a Coca-Cola, but fail to work for freedom, we are in violation of Passover. When we spend days preparing pesadich cakes but do not reach out to our fellow Jews, we are not keeping Passover. When we pop Pesach macaroons into our mouths but fail to praise God for our blessings, our Passover is downright treife."

Some people steer clear of all legumes, as well; as a vegetarian, I don't think I'll be doing THAT! :-) I'd just eat eggs or tofu for breakfast.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006, 11:28 AM

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Here's part of an essay on by Rabbi Barry Block:

"Yes, we should refrain from eating hametz, foods that are forbidden during Passover. Technically, hametz consists of five grains – wheat, barley, spelt, oats, and rye – when those grains are mixed with water for long enough to rise. Some Jews don’t eat corn or rice; some don’t eat garlic. I have no argument with Reform Jews who observe those additional restrictions. However, I do not. Therefore, I ate at Karam’s last Passover. Corn tortillas, in my practice, are permitted, as are foods with corn syrup.

Whatever Passover dietary restrictions we adopt, we should do so with seriousness, with consistency, and with purpose. We can learn discipline, by staying with our Passover dietary restrictions throughout the week. We may sanctify our homes for the holiday, by removing forbidden foods from our refrigerators and our pantries, and we may symbolize that act of cleansing by checking every nook and cranny for hametz. We must not bring ridicule on our faith, on our people, on Reform Judaism or on our Temple by eating obviously inappropriate foods in public during Passover. We lose respect for ourselves, and we relinquish our esteem in the eyes of others, when we eat sandwiches, rolls and pastries in restaurants during Passover.

You no doubt noticed that I left the dietary restrictions to the end of this sermon. I did not “save the best for last.” In fact, as concerned as I am that some among us will ignore these mitzvot altogether, I am equally disconcerted by those whose obsession with these dietary laws obscures the deeper meaning of the holiday. We eat matzah to remind us of the poor bread our ancestors ate in slavery. We eat matzah to remember the bread that our people baked so quickly as they were leaving Egypt. We eat matzah to call our minds to the plight of others who eat only poor bread all year, not by choice or by ritual, but because they are not free, just as we were slaves in the land of Egypt.

When we badger ourselves or one another about a drop of corn syrup in a Coca-Cola, but fail to work for freedom, we are in violation of Passover. When we spend days preparing pesadich cakes but do not reach out to our fellow Jews, we are not keeping Passover. When we pop Pesach macaroons into our mouths but fail to praise God for our blessings, our Passover is downright treife."

Some people steer clear of all legumes, as well; as a vegetarian, I don't think I'll be doing THAT! :-) I'd just eat eggs or tofu for breakfast.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006, 11:28 AM

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Here's part of an essay on by Rabbi Barry Block:

"Yes, we should refrain from eating hametz, foods that are forbidden during Passover. Technically, hametz consists of five grains – wheat, barley, spelt, oats, and rye – when those grains are mixed with water for long enough to rise. Some Jews don’t eat corn or rice; some don’t eat garlic. I have no argument with Reform Jews who observe those additional restrictions. However, I do not. Therefore, I ate at Karam’s last Passover. Corn tortillas, in my practice, are permitted, as are foods with corn syrup.

Whatever Passover dietary restrictions we adopt, we should do so with seriousness, with consistency, and with purpose. We can learn discipline, by staying with our Passover dietary restrictions throughout the week. We may sanctify our homes for the holiday, by removing forbidden foods from our refrigerators and our pantries, and we may symbolize that act of cleansing by checking every nook and cranny for hametz. We must not bring ridicule on our faith, on our people, on Reform Judaism or on our Temple by eating obviously inappropriate foods in public during Passover. We lose respect for ourselves, and we relinquish our esteem in the eyes of others, when we eat sandwiches, rolls and pastries in restaurants during Passover.

You no doubt noticed that I left the dietary restrictions to the end of this sermon. I did not “save the best for last.” In fact, as concerned as I am that some among us will ignore these mitzvot altogether, I am equally disconcerted by those whose obsession with these dietary laws obscures the deeper meaning of the holiday. We eat matzah to remind us of the poor bread our ancestors ate in slavery. We eat matzah to remember the bread that our people baked so quickly as they were leaving Egypt. We eat matzah to call our minds to the plight of others who eat only poor bread all year, not by choice or by ritual, but because they are not free, just as we were slaves in the land of Egypt.

When we badger ourselves or one another about a drop of corn syrup in a Coca-Cola, but fail to work for freedom, we are in violation of Passover. When we spend days preparing pesadich cakes but do not reach out to our fellow Jews, we are not keeping Passover. When we pop Pesach macaroons into our mouths but fail to praise God for our blessings, our Passover is downright treife."

Some people steer clear of all legumes, as well; as a vegetarian, I don't think I'll be doing THAT! :-) I'd just eat eggs or tofu for breakfast.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006, 11:28 AM

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Thanks! Great article!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006, 2:33 PM

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Thanks! Great article!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006, 2:33 PM

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Thanks! Great article!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006, 2:33 PM

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Happy Passover! My favorite breakfast is simply taking 1 matzah, and breaking it into small pieces in a bowl, adding (low fat/skim) milk, and maybe 1/2 tsp. sugar. It's a practically instant kosher-for-passover cereal.

Lunch is usually some sort of salad: either greens + veggies, or yoghurt and fruit.


Thursday, April 13, 2006, 7:27 AM

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Happy Passover! My favorite breakfast is simply taking 1 matzah, and breaking it into small pieces in a bowl, adding (low fat/skim) milk, and maybe 1/2 tsp. sugar. It's a practically instant kosher-for-passover cereal.

Lunch is usually some sort of salad: either greens + veggies, or yoghurt and fruit.


Thursday, April 13, 2006, 7:27 AM

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Happy Passover! My favorite breakfast is simply taking 1 matzah, and breaking it into small pieces in a bowl, adding (low fat/skim) milk, and maybe 1/2 tsp. sugar. It's a practically instant kosher-for-passover cereal.

Lunch is usually some sort of salad: either greens + veggies, or yoghurt and fruit.


Thursday, April 13, 2006, 7:27 AM

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