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A friend of mine posted this in one of my groups:

Organize, organize, organize. Make a list. Follow it. Set routines. NEVER procrastinate. Plan to the last detail. Shit happens atleast once a day, but plan anyway.

Believe in yourself. You can do anything, the only catch is that you actually have to try.

Calm yourself. This to shall pass. There's nothing you can't handle. Don't be AFRAID to try. Embarassment is a very small word next to accomplishment.

Know your skills. Don't fail yourself. You have to live your life don't wait for someone else to. You want it to happen, make it.

Consider others. Nothing is more important than people. Love is everything. Feel it, breathe it, live it, share it.
Give and you shall recieve... offer your hand, don't fear the bite.

True beauty shines through the darkness. Never doubt it. Learn to love yourself. Accept that there are things beyond your control. Dump the guilt. Embrace the faith.
Feel what you cannot touch. Open your mind to what you cannot see. Listen to your heart before your ears. Love without asking why.

Accept without reason. Patience IS a virtue. Learn so you may grow.All life is a wonder and joy is boundless.
After the door slams, look for the window. Somewhere the light is always shining.

Your son does not deserve your bad temper. Leave it where it belongs. These days will never come again.

Time is the only thing you never get back, spend it wisely. There are 24 useable hours in every day. Make them count.

Don't waste time assigning blame. FIX the problem. Don't wait for someone else to come along. Do it yourself.
Face your failures. If you can try again then you haven't really failed. Failure comes from giving up.

No peice of knowledge is insignificant. Collect and share.

A shower is ALWAYS worth the extra ten minutes.

When in doubt consult your little book.

Wed. Apr 12, 6:56am

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