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Do STRETCH MARKS ever go away?

After gaining back 50+ pounds that I had previously lost (upsetting..) I have gotten these nasty stretch marks on the front of my stomach. They're really embarrassing and I hate them SO much.

I was wondering, since I'm starting my weight loss journey first thing in the morning (8/30/2010) I was curious if after losing weight, will my stretch marks go away/fade?

Also, I've been using coco butter specifially for stretch marks... So, will this help in the process of making them go away?

Sun. Aug 29, 11:15pm

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Stretch marks get better and go away with time.

They don't go away but they fade a LOT where you sort of have to search for them after a while. That sounds strange, right? But it's true. After a while they blend in with your skin color and they aren't so obvious. Some do seem to disappear. They also move around. They aren't in the same place they are in when they start. I haven't found the creams to do anything really but time really does. I'm sure you wanted a different answer but it does get better!

Monday, August 30, 2010, 9:06 AM

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i used palmers tummy butter for stretchmarks my entire pregnancy and i still use it from time to time, and it didnt do a thing. stretchmarks will fade some but their pretty much always gonna be there. once they fade and blend with your skin somewhat they wont be terribly noticable unless you gain weight again then they will stretch back out.

Thursday, September 2, 2010, 2:39 PM

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They will shrink./fade significantly so long as you are consuming an appropriate amount of water combined with a healthy workout routine (as you tone, your skin will, and you'll watch the stretch marks fade) As far as creams... Its expensive, but Strivetcin? (I think thats how its spelled) worked WONDERS for me post pregnancy :)

Friday, September 17, 2010, 6:24 PM

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