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What's for supper?
? I never know what to make for supper. I have a fussy husband who only eats meat and potatoes. I dread it every day, then I put it off, and then it gets late enough that I resort to "fast food" like hamburger, brats, frozen pizza, etc. I need to eat more chicken and fish, but my husband hates tuna and other fish and doesn't care for chicken too much. Do I make two meals? Do I just eat lettuce salad and veggies and he can have all the meat and potatoes? It gets very frustrating day after day.
Thu. Aug 19, 3:34pm
You could eat some of the same food your husband does but in small portions, being guided by the calories and fat grams involved, and augment those foods with salad, fruit, vegies, etc I think you would have to watch the portions of all the foods in terms of calories and fat very closely if you did this.
Maybe once a week you could prepare various entrees and freeze them in portion sized packets to be pulled out of the refrigerator for use during the week.. For example, beef stew, shepherds pie, meatloaf for hubby, and a package of chopped vegies and cubed chicken for stir fry for you, for example, plus a nice salad. (Just lettuce in a salad sounds so deprived!)
You will, in fact, be making two meals most of the time. You can't lose weight on what he is eating and that's all he will eat.
Thursday, August 19, 2010, 7:34 PM
You could eat some of the same food your husband does but in small portions, being guided by the calories and fat grams involved, and augment those foods with salad, fruit, vegies, etc I think you would have to watch the portions of all the foods in terms of calories and fat very closely if you did this.
Maybe once a week you could prepare various entrees and freeze them in portion sized packets to be pulled out of the refrigerator for use during the week.. For example, beef stew, shepherds pie, meatloaf for hubby, and a package of chopped vegies and cubed chicken for stir fry for you, for example, plus a nice salad. (Just lettuce in a salad sounds so deprived!)
You will, in fact, be making two meals most of the time. You can't lose weight on what he is eating and that's all he will eat.
Thursday, August 19, 2010, 7:34 PM
You could eat some of the same food your husband does but in small portions, being guided by the calories and fat grams involved, and augment those foods with salad, fruit, vegies, etc I think you would have to watch the portions of all the foods in terms of calories and fat very closely if you did this.
Maybe once a week you could prepare various entrees and freeze them in portion sized packets to be pulled out of the refrigerator for use during the week.. For example, beef stew, shepherds pie, meatloaf for hubby, and a package of chopped vegies and cubed chicken for stir fry for you, for example, plus a nice salad. (Just lettuce in a salad sounds so deprived!)
You will, in fact, be making two meals most of the time. You can't lose weight on what he is eating and that's all he will eat.
Thursday, August 19, 2010, 7:34 PM
Dinner Dilemma
I have a husband who used to eat nothing but the same. Add to that candy up the wazoo and almost no vegetables. I blame his parents who eat just as crappy. Long story short, I have trained my husband to eat much more healthfully than he once did. I slowly cut out his sugar intake by not bringing it home in large quantities. Now his weakness is Swedish Fish. We no longer bring soda home, or booze very much. He has begun a vitamin upon my pestering an has noted the difference it makes. He eats vegetables now. But, and its a big but. I have to cook them. The ONLY reason he eats as well as he does is because I became crafty in the kitchen with my veggies. I dress up chicken with things like onions and peppers drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with basil and pan seared until tender over a bed of brown rice or wheat pasta. If not wheat pasta, low fat pasta. I always use salt free tomato sauce too when cooking because we both suffer from acid problems, and because too many things already have salt on it.
As I explored cookbooks and cooking websites I learned to adapt his tastes to suit a somewhat better habit than he had. He's still not perfect but that's okay. He is healthier than he was and happier for it. We bake our own bread and make our own flour based things now too so we can control what goes in our bodies a little bit more. (My hubbys whole wheat cheese bread is to die for!) Plus another seasoning that is god on just about any kind of food is Herbs de Provence seasoning. (I added lavender out of our garden.) Its hard to find but i made my own by following a simple recipe on and used spices out of my own cabinet. I used it to cook brown rice the other day, and with 2 tbsp butter per 2 cups rice it was fantastic! Even hubbs loved it.
So there is hope out there for mingling both your tastes. If you need any recipes or recipe ideas, just message me or email me. I create my own recipes so you can tweak them to your tastes. Just let me know!
Thursday, August 19, 2010, 9:47 PM
Dinner Dilemma
I have a husband who used to eat nothing but the same. Add to that candy up the wazoo and almost no vegetables. I blame his parents who eat just as crappy. Long story short, I have trained my husband to eat much more healthfully than he once did. I slowly cut out his sugar intake by not bringing it home in large quantities. Now his weakness is Swedish Fish. We no longer bring soda home, or booze very much. He has begun a vitamin upon my pestering an has noted the difference it makes. He eats vegetables now. But, and its a big but. I have to cook them. The ONLY reason he eats as well as he does is because I became crafty in the kitchen with my veggies. I dress up chicken with things like onions and peppers drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with basil and pan seared until tender over a bed of brown rice or wheat pasta. If not wheat pasta, low fat pasta. I always use salt free tomato sauce too when cooking because we both suffer from acid problems, and because too many things already have salt on it.
As I explored cookbooks and cooking websites I learned to adapt his tastes to suit a somewhat better habit than he had. He's still not perfect but that's okay. He is healthier than he was and happier for it. We bake our own bread and make our own flour based things now too so we can control what goes in our bodies a little bit more. (My hubbys whole wheat cheese bread is to die for!) Plus another seasoning that is god on just about any kind of food is Herbs de Provence seasoning. (I added lavender out of our garden.) Its hard to find but i made my own by following a simple recipe on and used spices out of my own cabinet. I used it to cook brown rice the other day, and with 2 tbsp butter per 2 cups rice it was fantastic! Even hubbs loved it.
So there is hope out there for mingling both your tastes. If you need any recipes or recipe ideas, just message me or email me. I create my own recipes so you can tweak them to your tastes. Just let me know!
Thursday, August 19, 2010, 9:47 PM
Dinner Dilemma
I have a husband who used to eat nothing but the same. Add to that candy up the wazoo and almost no vegetables. I blame his parents who eat just as crappy. Long story short, I have trained my husband to eat much more healthfully than he once did. I slowly cut out his sugar intake by not bringing it home in large quantities. Now his weakness is Swedish Fish. We no longer bring soda home, or booze very much. He has begun a vitamin upon my pestering an has noted the difference it makes. He eats vegetables now. But, and its a big but. I have to cook them. The ONLY reason he eats as well as he does is because I became crafty in the kitchen with my veggies. I dress up chicken with things like onions and peppers drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with basil and pan seared until tender over a bed of brown rice or wheat pasta. If not wheat pasta, low fat pasta. I always use salt free tomato sauce too when cooking because we both suffer from acid problems, and because too many things already have salt on it.
As I explored cookbooks and cooking websites I learned to adapt his tastes to suit a somewhat better habit than he had. He's still not perfect but that's okay. He is healthier than he was and happier for it. We bake our own bread and make our own flour based things now too so we can control what goes in our bodies a little bit more. (My hubbys whole wheat cheese bread is to die for!) Plus another seasoning that is god on just about any kind of food is Herbs de Provence seasoning. (I added lavender out of our garden.) Its hard to find but i made my own by following a simple recipe on and used spices out of my own cabinet. I used it to cook brown rice the other day, and with 2 tbsp butter per 2 cups rice it was fantastic! Even hubbs loved it.
So there is hope out there for mingling both your tastes. If you need any recipes or recipe ideas, just message me or email me. I create my own recipes so you can tweak them to your tastes. Just let me know!
Thursday, August 19, 2010, 9:47 PM
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