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Lower Abdominal/Pelvic Pain While Running
I am a 17 year-old, 130 lb. female who has been running cross country for a year. I was recruited by a college to run cross country and I accepted. I have been training all summer, but a recent new road block has developed within the last 2 months, and it is keeping me from improving and completing my work-outs.
I get this terrible lower pelvic pain (left ovarian and uterine areas) roughly 10-15 minutes into a run. Intensity of the run doesn't seem to affect the severity of the pain. I do know that it only appears during the second half of my menstrual cycle (days 14-28 if a woman starts bleeding on day 1). It gets so bad that I have to stop running and sit down on the side of the road or trail and hug my knees for about 5 minutes. After the pain subsides, I can continue running without any problems.
I thought maybe it was an ovulation pain; that would explain pain during days 14-17, but not for days 18-28. Ovulation just doesn't last that long! I have tried a lot of things from a sports medicine perspective half-heartedly (changes in diet, hydration, stretching, etc). I am convinced that they won't work though; if this were a diet or hydration issue, I would've had these problems in the fall also. But I didn't.
Let's consider my past medical history: Maybe it's linked? I was diagnosed with granulosa cell ovarian cancer in April 2009. I lost my right ovary to it. I haven't had any follow-up therapy like chemo for the cancer because it was caught early. Doctors aren't overly concerned about my cancer for the time being.
So, needless to say, I am very confused. I read a similar thread on this site, and it gave a lot of ideas, but I wanted to see if anyone could come up with suggestions specific to my unique situation. I am glad, however, that I am not alone.
This pain needs to go away, and fast. I need to be able to run in a collegiate race without stopping and embarrassing myself. Thanks!
Mon. Aug 2, 2:54pm
Pelvic pain while running
Your condition sounds just like what my 21 year old daughter is experiencing. Did you find out what is causing it?
Monday, June 24, 2013, 4:26 PM
Please go see a doctor.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 12:24 PM
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