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Can I use a George Foreman grill to make paninis? Or do I need a panini maker? Also, is a foreman grill any good? I love the taste of grilled. Does it actually taste grilled?

Fri. Jul 30, 9:32pm

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I have one of those mini George Forman grills. It's great for a lot of things. I find it wasn't really that good for paninis because I think it was a little too hot (it only cooks at one temperature). The bread would toast too quickly and the middle wouldn't melt fast enough. So you either had burnt bread and a good middle or good bread with the middle unmelted. It might be different on a real George Forman grill rather than the mini kind if you can control the heat.

Friday, July 30, 2010, 11:22 PM

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I have one of those mini George Forman grills. It's great for a lot of things. I find it wasn't really that good for paninis because I think it was a little too hot (it only cooks at one temperature). The bread would toast too quickly and the middle wouldn't melt fast enough. So you either had burnt bread and a good middle or good bread with the middle unmelted. It might be different on a real George Forman grill rather than the mini kind if you can control the heat.

Friday, July 30, 2010, 11:22 PM

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I have one of those mini George Forman grills. It's great for a lot of things. I find it wasn't really that good for paninis because I think it was a little too hot (it only cooks at one temperature). The bread would toast too quickly and the middle wouldn't melt fast enough. So you either had burnt bread and a good middle or good bread with the middle unmelted. It might be different on a real George Forman grill rather than the mini kind if you can control the heat.

Friday, July 30, 2010, 11:22 PM

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