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Questions about Wii Fit

Is this something that a handicapped person can use? I'm in a wheelchair a lot of the time, but try to get up and walk around the house as much as is possible, either with a walker or a cane. Depending on how steady I feel.

What I found on the web about it mentions a balance thing to stand on. Is there any activity that this product will let you do from a sitting position? And if so, enough to warrant buying it? I could use some strength training and yoga type activities, but only if I can do them while sitting. And obviously, I'm not capable of balance or aerobic type activity.

Any info appreciated.

Fri. Jul 9, 4:36pm

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Generally the game won't even let you start unless you are standing on the balance board. Most of the games involve use of the board.

In my opinion, you'd probably be better off starting off with just light hand weights that you can use from a seated position. I'm sure your doctor could recommend a great program for you. Doctors are normally THRILLED when a patient wants to start exercising more regularly.

Good luck :)

Friday, July 9, 2010, 11:04 PM

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Generally the game won't even let you start unless you are standing on the balance board. Most of the games involve use of the board.

In my opinion, you'd probably be better off starting off with just light hand weights that you can use from a seated position. I'm sure your doctor could recommend a great program for you. Doctors are normally THRILLED when a patient wants to start exercising more regularly.

Good luck :)

Friday, July 9, 2010, 11:04 PM

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Generally the game won't even let you start unless you are standing on the balance board. Most of the games involve use of the board.

In my opinion, you'd probably be better off starting off with just light hand weights that you can use from a seated position. I'm sure your doctor could recommend a great program for you. Doctors are normally THRILLED when a patient wants to start exercising more regularly.

Good luck :)

Friday, July 9, 2010, 11:04 PM

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I love the Wii Fit and use the Yoga and Strength Training portions most mornings with good results. However, you MUST use the balance board. If you are unable to use the board, then this is not the best option for you. My suggestion would be to go to your local library and check out some Yoga or Floor Exercise DVDs or Videos that you can try and get a sense of what type of exercises you are able to do before buying anything (except maybe a yoga mat). A daily 30min+ routine of stretching and yoga poses will certainly help get you started in the right direction. Good Luck!

Sunday, July 11, 2010, 9:02 AM

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I love the Wii Fit and use the Yoga and Strength Training portions most mornings with good results. However, you MUST use the balance board. If you are unable to use the board, then this is not the best option for you. My suggestion would be to go to your local library and check out some Yoga or Floor Exercise DVDs or Videos that you can try and get a sense of what type of exercises you are able to do before buying anything (except maybe a yoga mat). A daily 30min+ routine of stretching and yoga poses will certainly help get you started in the right direction. Good Luck!

Sunday, July 11, 2010, 9:02 AM

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I love the Wii Fit and use the Yoga and Strength Training portions most mornings with good results. However, you MUST use the balance board. If you are unable to use the board, then this is not the best option for you. My suggestion would be to go to your local library and check out some Yoga or Floor Exercise DVDs or Videos that you can try and get a sense of what type of exercises you are able to do before buying anything (except maybe a yoga mat). A daily 30min+ routine of stretching and yoga poses will certainly help get you started in the right direction. Good Luck!

Sunday, July 11, 2010, 9:02 AM

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