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Any Personal Trainers/Nutritionists out there?
I am feeling a strong pull to help others lose weight. I enjoy inspiring others and would really like to be able to deliver a whole personal trainer package including exercise, nutrition and even cooking.
These are my plans...
I plan on attending a community college to receive an AS degree as a Dietetic Technician. While I am in school I also plan on getting certified as a personal trainer. I am not sure with who yet - I will have to research this.
But anyway - any advice or tips? Thanks!
Sat. Apr 8, 9:29pm
One of my best friends from college decided to become a personal trainer. We were roommates at a 4-year university, which you don't need to become a personal trainer, and when she decided to go that route, a lot of people gave her a hard time. Be prepared by peoples' comments if you're from an area where people are "expected" to go to college and go into business, or whatever. Don't let it deter you, by any means, but just, be prepared.
She got a job as a personal trainer at a big chain gym, and hit it off with a number of clients right away. She's very social, and in great shape, and chose a gym with many people of her same demographics, because they'd be more comfortable with her. After awhile, she got sick of the gym taking most of the money that she made (she only saw about 1/3 of the total price her clients paid to the gym for the training sessions) so she decided to leave the gym and start her own business. Nearly all of her clients stayed with her, and now she trains them out of their homes instead of at the gym, and keeps all of the money for herself. If that sounds like something you'd like to do at some point, taking a couple business courses and personal accounting at the community college would probably be a good idea as well.
Also, a friend who's a great salesperson told me this (applies to far more than personal training): if you want to become a good salesperson, volunteer to sell raffle tickets as often as possible. It's an annoying job, but it will teach you how to sell with something that isn't particularly important to you. No one wants to buy a raffle ticket, because they're never worth the chance they give you of winning. So, if you can sell a raffle ticket, you can sell anything.
Monday, April 10, 2006, 3:34 PM
Thanks for taking the time to answer, I appreciate it! Good tip on the raffle tickets.
Monday, April 10, 2006, 4:08 PM
just go for it! you have a plan use that as a starting point and understand that if the road changes it's okay your still working towards your goal.
I too have a strong pull to help people with their health and fitness. I didnt' really "feel" it until i was working on myself, and in talking with friends and family members.
I am starting off by becoming a group exercise instructor, then I'm going to move on from there.
Monday, April 10, 2006, 5:55 PM
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