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okay so how did you pick out your workout shoes, and did you put in any kind of inserts?

I found mine online and i'm not really all that thrilled with them but they are okay. I put gel insoles in by dr. schols I like them!

Thu. Apr 6, 11:29am

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I went to a New Balance store, told them about my activities, and let them recommend shoes. That was over 4 years ago and I'm still wearing the same style. When you find something that works...stick with it!

Thursday, April 6, 2006, 12:10 PM

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wait...same style but not the same shoe? obviously, right?

if your feet start to burn or you feel shock when you jump then you need to change your sneaks. It's imperative to the health of your knees, hips, and back to stay supported. I learned it the hard way!

Thursday, April 6, 2006, 12:16 PM

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You MUST try them on if you plan on doing any kind of moving around. It makes such a difference. The salesperson should be able to analyze your foot and the way it strikes the ground and suggest suitable shoes. Try on several pairs and walk or jog around the store. It makes a HUGE difference.

Thursday, April 6, 2006, 12:43 PM

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I did some google searches to find a specialty runner's store in my area. I called them and asked them if they could help me choose a walker's shoe, they said "Sure! come on in!". They measured my feet, watched me walk in my stocking feet, then recommended about 2-3 shoes, along with some inserts. They even opened a pair of inserts, at no obligation, so that I could try them in the shoe I liked. I actually ended up spending about $20 less by going to them because I had previously thought that if I bought a more expensive shoe, it would fit me better. I'm pretty happy with my experience and plan to visit them again when I need new shoes.

Thursday, April 6, 2006, 12:48 PM

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I went to a running shoe store and had them fit me. New balance was close, but not close enough, so I chose the Saucony Omni 4 shoe. It's great!

I bought 2 pairs last summer to train for the 3-Day walk, and now I'm "hooked"! I won't ever settle for cheap shoes again-- it makes a tremendous difference in how my hips, back and feet feel!!!

One thing the salesman told me-- Running shoes are designed to last about 300-350 miles. If you do a lot of running, you'll want to keep track of how many miles you put on your shoe. After that point, the cushioning starts to get packed down and loses its sponginess, which can lead to pain and injuries... :-)

I don't personally use orthotics, because the shoe has a decent arch and my feet feel good in them. but other friends swear by them.

Thursday, April 6, 2006, 12:48 PM

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I'm a fairly severe pronator so I have to have some really good insoles. I went with the Saucony over New Balance also. However I did so after getting some bad shin splints with cheap shoes. Unfortunately that's what it took to get me into a runner's shop where the clerks can measure and evaluate you. In fact, they encouraged me to run in each shoe enough to get a 'feel' for how well it would feel. I will never buy my shoes anywhere else again. I have stayed with the same style as well (although I try a variety each time I buy shoes) and when something feels really, extra-good I buy two pairs!

No matter what level of activity you intend to do in your shoes, if you intend to do it regularly, you owe it to your body to get fitted by a professional. I, personally, have never had anyone do a 'hard sell'. I have always felt as though the salesperson's goal was to get me into the right shoes for me and my activities.

Thursday, April 6, 2006, 2:34 PM

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12:10 poster here...yes, same style, not the same pair of shoes! I probably have about 6 pairs of them by now.

Thursday, April 6, 2006, 5:18 PM

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best shoe insoles

There is not a big problem nowadays to buy good shoes. But after that people need for insoles as well and unfortunately most people don't know about shoe insoles. So I will suggest you find best shoe insoles to enjoy your walk.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 11:14 AM

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