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do you feel like it is too late to get what you want? -an exercise to help challenge this belief

Jackie wrote this yesterday and we sent it out to the Tip Of The Day members. Really hit home for a lot of people. if you missed it here it is. also feel free to share any of your own experiences with this exercise


Fri. Apr 9, 8:42am

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It is weird when you do new things, weird when you eat new things, weird when you think or say new things. hotmail sign up


Tuesday, December 5, 2006, 11:30 AM

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Enjoyed examining this, very good stuff, thanks .

Thursday, December 7, 2006, 12:02 PM

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I don't think that there is anyone who does not feel like it is too late about certain things. It seems like it is so natural to ease right into regret. It seems UN-natural to change.

That is the toughest part of change- it seems so..weird sometimes.

It is weird when you do new things, weird when you eat new things, weird when you think or say new things.

You are uncomfortable, others are uncomfortable. I guess that is why the "rah rah motivation" kind of approach is so helpful.

It MOVES you.

Friday, April 9, 2010, 10:11 AM

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I must be a freak b/c I can't think of anything where I feel I'm too late in joining the party, making change, etc. I'm not sure if this is a good, bad or neutral quality, but I have a hyper-responsive sense of responsibility for my own life - I feel like it's up to me how I think, how I act, how I react, what I do, who I am, and so forth - I'm responsible for my choices good and bad. I have to work within the boundaries of what I can't control, but I ultimately feel in charge of my own life/destiny, so for me it's never too late for anything! And I'm SO a creature of habit, I love familiary, but at the same time nothing motivates me more than taking the reigns of change and going for it!

Friday, April 9, 2010, 11:02 AM

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11:02- that is a great place to be. I am also hyper responsible- almost to the point where I exhaust myself. I know everything is possible and I struggle with burnout because I am always going for it.

Sunday, April 11, 2010, 3:16 PM

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This was amazing.

Monday, April 12, 2010, 8:17 AM

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I read this a year ago, and just read it again now. Very inspirational, thank you.

Saturday, April 2, 2011, 12:15 PM

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Do you feel like its too late for you to get what you want

I'm 56, soon to be 57. My metabolism and endurance is not what it was. It is incredibly frustrating because I just don't have the energy to pop up and do what I need to do. I can make great plans till the "cows come home", but then reality rears its ugly head, usually every day after work.
So, yes, I feel like it may be too late. I just don't have the fight that it takes to accomplish weight loss at this age. On the other hand, if I totally ignore exercise and nutrition, I will not be able to bear living with myself. So, I'm stuck. It would be great to have some 55-60 year old role models- working women that I could learn from. Haven't found them yet.

Sunday, April 3, 2011, 1:32 PM

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1;32, I know exactly what you mean. I am 54, and have been on and off diets since I was a teenager and I find myself going to that place of "accept it and move on, you've been overweight for life and will be"...then I think of being a size 14, and 25 lbs over weight the rest of my life and it depresses the hell out of me. I will read the above mentioned link and hope something kicks in.

Monday, April 4, 2011, 10:46 AM

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I sure hope I'm not too late. What I want isn't as easy as just losing weight. I started eating only natural, "clean" foods either raw, steamed or prepared from scratch just 13 days ago and already I've lost 9 lbs. This seems to be the easy part for me.

What I'm having difficulty believing that I can achieve is a return to good health and physical ability without fatigue or pain. I'm very hopeful that (aside from my osteo-arthritis) everything I suffer from was caused by food allergies and chemical food additives. Now that I've schooled myself on what the food INDUSTRY is actually about -- making money, not feeding people -- I know I'm on the right track.

But will I also be able to once again walk, run, dance, play with my grandchildren, climb stairs so I can spend time in my kids' homes instead of just out on their lawns & patios only in good weather? Will I no longer need to take several naps a day? Will I be able to stand up to take a shower instead of sitting on a chair? Will I be able to take a bath and get in & out of the tub all by myself?

These are the things I am hopeful for, but still think I may have missed the boat by letting things get so out of hand for so many years.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 9:48 AM

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It too late!

Thank you Jackie for sharing that story with me, my son thinks it is to late, or that nothing goes his way. That he has bad luck in Life, because he doesn't have his Father and only Brother, they let him down in his Life. I as his Mom I suffer from depression and find myself Eating because I feel so Guilty. I am doing a lot better now Food Diet Wise. But I still suffer inside with a broken heart because he seems to walk around looking depress and doesn't care how he looks. He mention to me he has never been Happy but that it is not because of Me. I wish I knew what to do for him. I would be so Happy to hear or see him Happy. Thank you for hearing my story.

Thursday, October 27, 2011, 8:18 AM

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how old is your son?

Thursday, October 27, 2011, 10:38 AM

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