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3rd Pregnancy
I just found out I am pregnant with my 3rd baby. I am finding that this one is so different compared to the other two. I am not nearly as sick and I feel like I am showing already! (only 7 weeks along) Is there any one out there who has had 3 babies and can give me some tips/encouragement? My second is almost 3, so It has been awhile since I have done this!
Mon. Apr 3, 10:38am
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Monday, April 3, 2006, 3:14 PM
oh, and congrats... were you far from your goal weight? I am taking so long to get to my goal weight having another 40lbs to go that I feel I won't reach it before we decide to try again....
keserasera (sp?)
Monday, April 3, 2006, 3:17 PM
been there, done that...
I am pregnant with my fourth and my OLDEST is 4.5 years old. I began showing early with all of them and gained a lot of weight (50-60 lbs.) with each of them.
Before this pregnancy, I had found peertrainer and managed to lose almost all the extra weight I was carrying due to the previous three pregnancies. I had just gotten down to a Size 4 (wahoo!!) and found out I was pregnant.
I fully intended to keep up with my diet and exercise routine (within reason...) and only gain the recommended 25-30 pounds. Well, that all went right out the window. For the first few months, I would feel nauseous if I DIDN'T eat something, and I gained 20 pounds pretty quickly. By my 24-week check up, I had gained 37 pounds!
I definitely have not restricted my diet and I've indulged in lots of unnecessary treats. (I'm sitting here eating waffles with butter and syrup as I type!) But oh well. I figure that as long as I remain healthy and have a healthy baby, I'll worry about losing the weight after the baby is born. I did it before and I can do it again!
And maybe that's not the "encouragement" you were looking for, but that's the situation I'm in. And I'm fine with it. I do have some advice, however, if this scenario sounds awful to you. If you find yourself wanting to snack often, just choose healthy snacks (instead of ice cream and cookies, like me!) And do some form of exercise (nothing too strenuous) every day. I haven't even kept up with my walking. (I'm hoping I'll begin again as the weather gets nicer.)
Above all, don't stress about it. That won't help anything! : )
Good luck - and congratulations!!
Tuesday, April 4, 2006, 10:20 AM
OP here
Thanks for all of your kind words. I am about 10 ish lbs away from goal weight. I have been working out consistently since last January (over a year now - WOW!) I have been keeping up the walking for at least 20 minutes a day even though I feel way too tired to do it. I used to run, but just don't feel like it right now. I am hoping that with breastfeeding I can get back into awesome shape once the baby is born. With my last baby, I lost a BUNCH of weight just nursing and ate whatever I want. It is an exciting time - I had a dream last night that my baby was a boy! :)
Tuesday, April 4, 2006, 1:55 PM
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