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Cheerleader tryouts update

I posted a few topics last week about different issues (fake abs, self tanner) they were all in regards of cheerleading tryouts that I went to this past saturday.

Well tryouts were okay. I did not make the round 1 cut :( I'm bummed out, but at least I didn't cry about it (i'm a very emotional person who wears her heart on her sleeve) But I did learn what to do for next year. All of the girls that were advancing to the next round had out these cute razzel dazzel rhinestone giltter fringe outfits with dance boots that the cheer squad wears. So if you want to be a cheerleader you have to act the part! I'm going to have to pull together an outfit like that!

My goal is to make a professional cheersquad before i'm 38. So i have 15 years to make one! HAHA! but I try not to look at it like that.

My next step is to try out in june for the NBA cheersquad. I have never tried out for them. My bestfriend, husband and I agree that the more tryouts I go on the better I'll get at them. I am also adding in dance classes to help with that part of it.

Mon. Apr 3, 9:20am

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Sounds like you have a great attitude! Keep working on it! I would say that you should look at videos of successful cheerleaders to see what they are doing and to learn new steps. :-) Keep your eye on the industry, since it's very visually oriented--you'll want to see what others are wearing and learn some of the newer steps to keep yourself current.

Keep trying and you'll improve along the way-- I would also suggest getting to know some of the more successful candidates and see what they're doing (if they are open to sharing.)

Good Luck!

Monday, April 3, 2006, 12:36 PM

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sounds like a beauty contest

Why not just join a dance class and have fun dancing? "razzel dazzel rhinestone giltter fringe outfits with dance boots that the cheer squad wears" sounds so absolutely fake... It would make more sense to concern oneself with the nuts and bolts of what it physically takes to be a cheerleader- than to what outfit you have on during tryouts?
Instead of trying to get _in_ be your own _in_.

Monday, April 3, 2006, 3:08 PM

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Many people have told me why not do this or that instead of what I have my mind set on. I would not take the advice above and give up on your dream. If it really means something to you, stick with it, you WILL get there.

Monday, April 3, 2006, 3:37 PM

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to the above poster

my goal is to make a professional cheersquad not be the best i can be in a dance class. I have danced since I was 3 i have meet that goal time and time again.

the "razzel dazzel rhinestone gillter fringe outfit with dance boots" is to get attention during tryouts and also to pratice dancing in something similar to what the squad wears. They were hot pants, crop tops, that stand out along with dance boots. THe outfit is physically what it takes to be a cheerleader as well you have to dance the dance, and look the part. they also want to make sure you have to body to wear their uniforms.

so again my goal is to make a profession cheer or dance squad not join a dance class and have fun dancing.

Monday, April 3, 2006, 3:40 PM

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devil's advocate

Yes- but what is the root of that goal really, why be on a cheer squad... money? fame? fortune? being an "elite?"
Changing your goals does not mean you gave up...

Monday, April 3, 2006, 4:07 PM

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Honestly, 3:08 poster, why are so many people here training to run in marathons? Why not just run and have fun running? The OP has her own goal; it might be different from yours and it sure is different from mine, but it's not a bad one.... ...not that I've ever wanted to be a cheerleader, but how empowered and accomplished would that make you feel, to run out in front of hundreds of people and raise your arms and hear them all roar?! I say go for it, OP!!!

Monday, April 3, 2006, 4:11 PM

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Definitely! Keep that great attitude! I am a rather driven person too and I love the feeling of accomplishment I get from putting my skills up against the best in my field. Wether I come out on top or not - it's a huge rush and very inspiring. You've definitely got the right idea - get as much experience as possible. I do my best to simulate the environmental factors that I will be expected to perform under so that when the time comes it seems normal.

Keep up the good work and it will pay off!

Monday, April 3, 2006, 4:22 PM

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to the above poster...

my goal is to be a member of a professional cheersquad. I was on a number of dance companies growing up, and i miss it. Being a memeber of a squad will keep my in track with my healthy lifestyle, I'll be able to dance dance dance, and I'll be more involved in the community.

Monday, April 3, 2006, 5:57 PM

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Go for it!! I was a cheerleader in high school, on a competitive team, and it was the best exercise, and best time, of my life! I'd go for a professional squad too, if I could, but I don't have the time, or the often-required height.

The best thing I can recommend, though, is do your best to get to know people who are already on the squad. That will influence whether you make it or not. Sure, you can make it based on skill alone, but if you have someone on the team pulling for you, it'll really help!

Tuesday, April 4, 2006, 11:43 AM

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