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exercising while at desk

does anyone know of any exercises or websites that can give me some exercises that I can do while sitting at my desk for 10 long drawn out hours?

Fri. Mar 31, 11:58am

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One thing you can do is plan to get up once an hour or so and take a little walk, or do a few flights of stairs.

Also, keep your posture in mind and sit up very straight, roll your shoulders back suck in your abs for 10 seconds then let go. You will notice that you stand taller if you concentrate on your posture at your desk.

Friday, March 31, 2006, 2:03 PM

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My sister keeps some hand weights in her drawer and uses them at lunch to do squats, bicep curls, tricep extensions, etc... Is that a possibility?

Friday, March 31, 2006, 2:40 PM

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I have read that sitting on a stability ball at work does wonders for your core strength - that you actually have to work up to sitting on it for a whole day. It couldn't happen at my office (I would get teased to death, I think, and it would look too weird in front of clients), but maybe it would work for you?

I also second the poster who said you should get up ever hour or way of forcing myself to do this is to drink a ton of water and herbal tea. Basically at least once an hour I either need a refill or an empty (ie I've got to pee).

There are also some really good seated stretches you can do that can bring your consciousness back to your body and your posture. One is to sit up straight, both feet firmly on the floor. Then cross one ankle over your opposite knee and lean forward, keeping your back straight, and holding your knee down gently. Hold for a while, then switch feet. A couple days of this will really loosen up your hips. Also check out Jet Blue's (or Virgin's?) website - they have a page of yoga postures to do while flying that are easily done at your desk.

Are you a woman? Keigles! (sp???)

The sucking in and holding can work for muscles other than abs - try glutes, quads, lats, calves, etc.

Friday, March 31, 2006, 2:49 PM

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