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Horsebackriding Q

Hey, back in the old post someone from Somerville offered me more info on stables north of Boston. If you are out there, please respond.

How late are they open? What's the phone number? What styles of riding do they teach/offer?


Thu. Mar 30, 11:00am

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The last lesson is 7:30-8:30. I ride Monday and Thursday at 7:30. Mon is an advanced jumping class, Thurs is of a mix some beginner and some intermediate jumping but she adjusts the fences for each person. They can also get a horse ready for you if you can't be there at 7 to tack up.

I wouldn't mind a carpool buddy if you are interested in riding there. The Monday class is pretty open right now, and Thursday may have an opening soon.

here is the website:


Thursday, March 30, 2006, 12:52 PM

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The last lesson is 7:30-8:30. I ride Monday and Thursday at 7:30. Mon is an advanced jumping class, Thurs is of a mix some beginner and some intermediate jumping but she adjusts the fences for each person. They can also get a horse ready for you if you can't be there at 7 to tack up.

I wouldn't mind a carpool buddy if you are interested in riding there. The Monday class is pretty open right now, and Thursday may have an opening soon.

here is the website:


Thursday, March 30, 2006, 12:52 PM

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The last lesson is 7:30-8:30. I ride Monday and Thursday at 7:30. Mon is an advanced jumping class, Thurs is of a mix some beginner and some intermediate jumping but she adjusts the fences for each person. They can also get a horse ready for you if you can't be there at 7 to tack up.

I wouldn't mind a carpool buddy if you are interested in riding there. The Monday class is pretty open right now, and Thursday may have an opening soon.

here is the website:


Thursday, March 30, 2006, 12:52 PM

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Thank you!

Do you have to bring your own tack? Everything of mine is in Mexico, I actually haven't even tried on my boots since I gained the 30lbs I'm here to shed, so I'll prob have to buy new.

Also, how are the horses? I am used to riding 16 hands plus, and feisty. I like a challenge. Do you ride a different one each time or always the same horse?
I'm so excited at the prospect of jumping again!

I would prob only go Thursdays initially to get my body back into riding shape. I expect I will be bouncing around quite a bit. Carpool would be great. Do you work 9-5?

Thursday, March 30, 2006, 2:57 PM

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Thank you!

Do you have to bring your own tack? Everything of mine is in Mexico, I actually haven't even tried on my boots since I gained the 30lbs I'm here to shed, so I'll prob have to buy new.

Also, how are the horses? I am used to riding 16 hands plus, and feisty. I like a challenge. Do you ride a different one each time or always the same horse?
I'm so excited at the prospect of jumping again!

I would prob only go Thursdays initially to get my body back into riding shape. I expect I will be bouncing around quite a bit. Carpool would be great. Do you work 9-5?

Thursday, March 30, 2006, 2:57 PM

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Thank you!

Do you have to bring your own tack? Everything of mine is in Mexico, I actually haven't even tried on my boots since I gained the 30lbs I'm here to shed, so I'll prob have to buy new.

Also, how are the horses? I am used to riding 16 hands plus, and feisty. I like a challenge. Do you ride a different one each time or always the same horse?
I'm so excited at the prospect of jumping again!

I would prob only go Thursdays initially to get my body back into riding shape. I expect I will be bouncing around quite a bit. Carpool would be great. Do you work 9-5?

Thursday, March 30, 2006, 2:57 PM

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I work 9-5:30 in Watertown, so I run home, feed the dog and leave around 6:20 to get there at 7. You do not need your own tack, and no one wears fancy clothes (I do breeches and half chaps mostly).

There is a great mix of horses there. There are slow, safe school horses and ponies for beginners, awesome school horses who can do 3'6" jumper courses with ease, school ponies who will do 3' courses and run away bucking, and they use some of the boarder horses in lessons (including my favorite, Major, a 6-year-old thoroughbred who is very well schooled, is worth like $50,000 and will jump the moon.) We ride outside in the summer and they have a fun cross country course. I can't wait for that!

My email is [email protected] if you want to get in touch personally! Can't wait to hear from you.

Thursday, March 30, 2006, 3:09 PM

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I work 9-5:30 in Watertown, so I run home, feed the dog and leave around 6:20 to get there at 7. You do not need your own tack, and no one wears fancy clothes (I do breeches and half chaps mostly).

There is a great mix of horses there. There are slow, safe school horses and ponies for beginners, awesome school horses who can do 3'6" jumper courses with ease, school ponies who will do 3' courses and run away bucking, and they use some of the boarder horses in lessons (including my favorite, Major, a 6-year-old thoroughbred who is very well schooled, is worth like $50,000 and will jump the moon.) We ride outside in the summer and they have a fun cross country course. I can't wait for that!

My email is [email protected] if you want to get in touch personally! Can't wait to hear from you.

Thursday, March 30, 2006, 3:09 PM

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I work 9-5:30 in Watertown, so I run home, feed the dog and leave around 6:20 to get there at 7. You do not need your own tack, and no one wears fancy clothes (I do breeches and half chaps mostly).

There is a great mix of horses there. There are slow, safe school horses and ponies for beginners, awesome school horses who can do 3'6" jumper courses with ease, school ponies who will do 3' courses and run away bucking, and they use some of the boarder horses in lessons (including my favorite, Major, a 6-year-old thoroughbred who is very well schooled, is worth like $50,000 and will jump the moon.) We ride outside in the summer and they have a fun cross country course. I can't wait for that!

My email is [email protected] if you want to get in touch personally! Can't wait to hear from you.

Thursday, March 30, 2006, 3:09 PM

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