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Juicing Question
Any juicers out there? I am not on a juice fast atm, but I am trying to incorp green juice 3x weekly (kale, chard, broccoli, tomato, collard greens, celery, parsley, ginger and lemon and some carrots and green apples to taste).
Last night I made a double batch to put in the fridge. Is it ok to drink through today? I am worried that all the nutrients are lost by now!
Also, I usually throw away the pulp, but this time (before the fruit was added) I separated it and blanched it in water and garlic to soften the pulp (it tasted awful) and added some curry, soy, chili, and pepper (now, its better). Then, I mixed that with brown rice and some fresh chives. i'm calling it my "veggie gruel". I did this because everyone (HATERS) say, "oh, but you are losing all the fiber when you juice! "HA! Now, I ate it all too!
Anyway, my questions are was it worth eating? And, the shelf life of the juice nutrients in the fridge.
Thu. Mar 30, 10:56am
I juice too......
Hi, juicing is a great way to increase your veggies, especially greens. It is true that some nutrients are lost over time, but the juice is still has plenty of nutrition left the next day. You should try to drink it just after making it however, when you can.
I had to laugh at your pulp experience. I mix some of mine in with the dog's food for the enzymes. I know some people who use carrot and apple pulp in baking recipes. Yes you are losing the fiber in it, but food should be enjoyable . What is the point of eating the pulp if it is unpleasant-you may start to avoid juicing just so as not to eat the pulp. I would just ignore the haters and reap the bennies of juice.
Thursday, March 30, 2006, 1:47 PM
I think some nutrients are lost, but most are still there. I don't think fermentation will set in that quickly if you refridgerate right away.
Some pulp sounds good but I agree, if you hate it, don't stress out over it. Got a dog? Most veggies are good for them, my dogs would love it! They beg me for carrots and come running when they here me opening the container that has the brocolli in it!
Friday, March 31, 2006, 5:16 AM
I put my pulp in my compost pile. It is better to drink the juice right away as well. I am sure it would be fine though as long as you drink it the next day. :)
What is every ones favorite juicer, ours is dying and time to get a new one.
Thanks :)
Friday, March 31, 2006, 6:55 AM
my juicer
is not the most convenient to use (can only make 1-2 servings, have to take fully apart to clean, but I have had it over 10 years and it works just as well as on day one-it is an omega. Made in America, built to last.
Friday, March 31, 2006, 3:08 PM
funny, the comment about giving the dog carrots. My friend fed his doggie some carrots. He (the dog) started farting so bad it cleared the room!
Friday, March 31, 2006, 11:55 PM
I juice everyday, once to twice a day. I use juice master recipe's, generally I have 4 apples, half pineapple, stick celery, spinich, quarter cucumber and half a lime (peeled) and blend with half an avocado and ice. Tastes delicious, what better way to start the day?
The enzymes in the juice are the most active immediately, however, if stored in an air tight flask (I use SIGG), the enzymes are still active if drunk 6 - 8 hours after drinking.
I recommend Philips Wide Chute Aluminium Juicer HR1861 as you can put the fruit in whole without peeling it and it says you get 70% more juice! :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 11:09 AM
dogs and fiber
If you plan on giving your dogs the fiber left from juicing, please start out slowly. I started to add it to my older dog's diet. He loved it and then got diarrhea so badly he had to go to the vet. It was so severe that he was on medication for quite a long time and had to get a shot of steroid to calm down his intestines. So please, start out just a tablespoon at a time.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 8:55 PM
best to drink right away. PS - there are some really good juicing recipe books out there if you get bored of the average drinks
Thursday, June 11, 2009, 11:09 PM
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