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heart disease

this is the number one killer for woman-i'm very scared of this right now because i'm over weight with a big belly. how do you feel? does this make you motivated more to lose weight?

Wed. Mar 29, 3:21pm

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It does motivate me to do cardio and keep my heart fit.

The fear of blood clots (I'm on oral contraceptives) made me quit smoking (at least was one of the motivating factors).

Wednesday, March 29, 2006, 3:24 PM

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I know that heart disease and high cholesterol run in my family (2 "skinny" uncles had heart attacks in the past few years!!) I'm not skinny, and I carry my buddha belly fat, so that has gotten me concerned as well.

A great motivator last summer was doing the Breast Cancer 3-Day--it got me to move and get exercising. (which unfortunately ended shortly after the walk, when my life got busy again!) Now, since December, I've been on PT and have found that talking to others has really helped me! I made hubby go out and buy us a treadmill so that I can get fit. (I hope that he can, too, but that is his choice.) I do point out to him that his dad & uncles & grandpa all have big bellies and that that is not very healthy. I also remind him that my "skinny" uncles who "appeared" fit and trim also had heart attacks, so just being thin doesn't mean you are healthy either.

However, the best motivator has been my clothing!! I have suits that i have never even worn because they were too tight. Now, I feel like I'm slowly re-discovering a new wardrobe!!!

Instead of focusing on a long term goal (i.e. I will lose 50 lbs), how about looking at a smaller goal? (i.e. I will lose 5 inches)... Give yourself a treat when you reach the next size....

I have my eyes on a gorgeous dress that I keep passing by while walking in the mall. at $200 it's a bit steep, but heck, I can dream (I am hoping to find out the manufacturer and get it cheaper online somewhere.) If it's still there when I get to the desired size that i want, I'm going to splurge and buy it, just because!!! (It's a hot pink large, graphic, abstract florals with orange and purple & yellow in it. It is absolutely stunning for a summer dress. I would lOVE to be able to go and buy it for myself!!)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006, 4:01 PM

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The thought of heart disease definitely motivates me and I'm not heavy! I had a blood test done a year and a half ago to make sure my blood sugar was OK since there is a history of type 1 diabetes on both sides of the family and I found out it was fine but my cholesterol was 245! Since then I changed my eating habits, had it rechecked (down to 190), fell off the wagon, had it checked again (289!!) and am now serious about sticking with the healthy eating. Yes, being overweight is a risk factor but that doesn't necessarily mean you are in "bad" health. Just to give you an idea -- I was 5'5" to 5'6" and at most weighed 155 (34 y/o). I "look" in shape and am pretty athletic but I was binge eating on candy and other terrible things, regularly (with little to no weight gain)! I have lost 10 pounds and given up the sweets but any time I get the desire to eat something "bad" I think about my blood, what's flowing through it and it helps me stay on track. If someone was really worried about his/her cardio status, I would suggest having their blood tested. In my area they have several times and locations where a person can do a 12 hour fast and have their HDL, LDL, triglycerides, blood pressure, and blood sugar checked for free.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006, 6:37 PM

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I'm 46 and my cholesterol is that of a 18 year old. My blood sugar and blood pressure is also very good. stomach is big and I'm 60-70lbs overweight! I As I worry about the heart disease, I shove bad foods down my mouth. What will it take for me to get on the program? I try, then fail, then try and fail again. Will it take me to have a heart attack before I get serious? If I had the scan done, only to find out my heart is healthy, will I continue to eat like I do? Anyone else doing this?

Saturday, April 1, 2006, 3:31 PM

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