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Crazy Hungry the Day AFTER a Tough Workout?

I do a lot of spinning and biking and right after a moderate-high intensity (80-92% max HR) workout I find that I'm not all that hungry. But the next day? Starving!

Does anyone else share this experience? How do you deal with it? Eat more protein? Biking season is starting to ramp up and it's only going to get worse. The few days following a long ride I'm ravenous. Doesn't help w/ the weight loss goals!

Interested to hear some suggestions, also wondering if it differs for men and women.


Thu. May 12, 9:42am

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After a triathlon or 1/2 marathon I too feel ravenous.
I find if I drink a protein shake within an hour or so of the big workout that the next day the cravings arent so bad. Also I find eating something salty (beef jerky is my preference) helps too, probably to get that electrolytic balance back.
If you nibble all day on healthy things like veggies and lowfat protein you won't gain weight, you'll need the calories.


Thursday, May 12, 2005, 11:05 AM

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After a triathlon or 1/2 marathon I too feel ravenous.
I find if I drink a protein shake within an hour or so of the big workout that the next day the cravings arent so bad. Also I find eating something salty (beef jerky is my preference) helps too, probably to get that electrolytic balance back.
If you nibble all day on healthy things like veggies and lowfat protein you won't gain weight, you'll need the calories.


Thursday, May 12, 2005, 11:05 AM

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After a triathlon or 1/2 marathon I too feel ravenous.
I find if I drink a protein shake within an hour or so of the big workout that the next day the cravings arent so bad. Also I find eating something salty (beef jerky is my preference) helps too, probably to get that electrolytic balance back.
If you nibble all day on healthy things like veggies and lowfat protein you won't gain weight, you'll need the calories.


Thursday, May 12, 2005, 11:05 AM

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my ideas

I like to make oatmeal (very cheap and filling) and a low fat or non fat yogurt smoothie with lots of frozen fruit (and Muscle Milk protien powder). The fiber and dairy really satisfies my hunger and sustains me all morning until I can have a big lunch between 1:00 and 3:00 with lots of steamed veggies and brown rice. Then I'll be sure to have a very small dinner like a bowl of soup (or bowl of healthy cereal :P). This way I feel like my metabolic rate is up and everything I am putting into my body is supplying me with more fuel. I also find that my body needs sleep after a long day of exercise. Trying to get by on less sleep when my muscles need to repair themselves makes me anxious and more likely to snack. Also, I find that meat at lunch offers a huge boost in my mood and energy level. Have a fajita (with no sides);fish, spinich, and squash; or grilled chicken and asparagus with wild rice. Avoid crackers, chips, baked goods, bread, cheese, and anything fried or cooked in oil. Sometimes when I am trying to eat less I just end up nibbling and grazing on less fueling food. Be sure to eat real meals after a long work out and drink lots of water.
Hope this helps.

Thursday, May 12, 2005, 1:48 PM

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my ideas

I like to make oatmeal (very cheap and filling) and a low fat or non fat yogurt smoothie with lots of frozen fruit (and Muscle Milk protien powder). The fiber and dairy really satisfies my hunger and sustains me all morning until I can have a big lunch between 1:00 and 3:00 with lots of steamed veggies and brown rice. Then I'll be sure to have a very small dinner like a bowl of soup (or bowl of healthy cereal :P). This way I feel like my metabolic rate is up and everything I am putting into my body is supplying me with more fuel. I also find that my body needs sleep after a long day of exercise. Trying to get by on less sleep when my muscles need to repair themselves makes me anxious and more likely to snack. Also, I find that meat at lunch offers a huge boost in my mood and energy level. Have a fajita (with no sides);fish, spinich, and squash; or grilled chicken and asparagus with wild rice. Avoid crackers, chips, baked goods, bread, cheese, and anything fried or cooked in oil. Sometimes when I am trying to eat less I just end up nibbling and grazing on less fueling food. Be sure to eat real meals after a long work out and drink lots of water.
Hope this helps.

Thursday, May 12, 2005, 1:48 PM

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my ideas

I like to make oatmeal (very cheap and filling) and a low fat or non fat yogurt smoothie with lots of frozen fruit (and Muscle Milk protien powder). The fiber and dairy really satisfies my hunger and sustains me all morning until I can have a big lunch between 1:00 and 3:00 with lots of steamed veggies and brown rice. Then I'll be sure to have a very small dinner like a bowl of soup (or bowl of healthy cereal :P). This way I feel like my metabolic rate is up and everything I am putting into my body is supplying me with more fuel. I also find that my body needs sleep after a long day of exercise. Trying to get by on less sleep when my muscles need to repair themselves makes me anxious and more likely to snack. Also, I find that meat at lunch offers a huge boost in my mood and energy level. Have a fajita (with no sides);fish, spinich, and squash; or grilled chicken and asparagus with wild rice. Avoid crackers, chips, baked goods, bread, cheese, and anything fried or cooked in oil. Sometimes when I am trying to eat less I just end up nibbling and grazing on less fueling food. Be sure to eat real meals after a long work out and drink lots of water.
Hope this helps.

Thursday, May 12, 2005, 1:48 PM

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I get so frustrated...

I manage to make my calories work on track until about 3pm... I have a rice/veggie meat combo for lunch, then about 2 hours before I work out, I eat a healthy frozen burrito. Then I'm still hungry so I snack... then I go work out. Then I have dinner, but I'm ravenous so I eat more... Ugh-- I end up eating pretty close to what I burned that day and don't lose anything.

Thursday, May 12, 2005, 2:09 PM

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I get so frustrated...

I manage to make my calories work on track until about 3pm... I have a rice/veggie meat combo for lunch, then about 2 hours before I work out, I eat a healthy frozen burrito. Then I'm still hungry so I snack... then I go work out. Then I have dinner, but I'm ravenous so I eat more... Ugh-- I end up eating pretty close to what I burned that day and don't lose anything.

Thursday, May 12, 2005, 2:09 PM

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I get so frustrated...

I manage to make my calories work on track until about 3pm... I have a rice/veggie meat combo for lunch, then about 2 hours before I work out, I eat a healthy frozen burrito. Then I'm still hungry so I snack... then I go work out. Then I have dinner, but I'm ravenous so I eat more... Ugh-- I end up eating pretty close to what I burned that day and don't lose anything.

Thursday, May 12, 2005, 2:09 PM

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hunger = thirst?

I can definitely relate to the crazy hungriness that comes after a heavy duty workout - The day after a leg workout (I often lift, then spin, maybe run a few minles) I am ravenous, so I focus on eating "clean", but allow a little more leeway without going crazy.

But, I've also noticed that some of that "hunger" is truly dehydration. Could that be for you?

Thursday, May 12, 2005, 3:24 PM

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hunger = thirst?

I can definitely relate to the crazy hungriness that comes after a heavy duty workout - The day after a leg workout (I often lift, then spin, maybe run a few minles) I am ravenous, so I focus on eating "clean", but allow a little more leeway without going crazy.

But, I've also noticed that some of that "hunger" is truly dehydration. Could that be for you?

Thursday, May 12, 2005, 3:24 PM

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hunger = thirst?

I can definitely relate to the crazy hungriness that comes after a heavy duty workout - The day after a leg workout (I often lift, then spin, maybe run a few minles) I am ravenous, so I focus on eating "clean", but allow a little more leeway without going crazy.

But, I've also noticed that some of that "hunger" is truly dehydration. Could that be for you?

Thursday, May 12, 2005, 3:24 PM

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Checking back..

Folks – I appreciate all the feedback so far. To share a bit more –

Some have said that it’s the high intensity (85-92% max HR) that brings on the hungry horrors. Though I notice after a 50 mile bike ride that I’m crazy hungry for at least 2 days afterwards, even if it was moderate intensity.

Definitely NOT dehydration, no way no how.

I’m trying to be more conscientious about eating lean/low fat proteins the day after. I started today w/ cereal and milk and perhaps eggs and avocado would have been better? Lunch was cottage cheese and a greek salad wrap. Hungry 90 minutes later and got into some fat free micro popcorn and that helps to feel full/satisfied. Now I’m off to the gym for 90 minutes of power yoga, so the worst (hunger-wise) is over for the day. The hunger issue should be over tomorrow, especially with just yoga tonight…

Please share more tips if you have them. I AM my own science experiment!


Thursday, May 12, 2005, 3:34 PM

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Checking back..

Folks – I appreciate all the feedback so far. To share a bit more –

Some have said that it’s the high intensity (85-92% max HR) that brings on the hungry horrors. Though I notice after a 50 mile bike ride that I’m crazy hungry for at least 2 days afterwards, even if it was moderate intensity.

Definitely NOT dehydration, no way no how.

I’m trying to be more conscientious about eating lean/low fat proteins the day after. I started today w/ cereal and milk and perhaps eggs and avocado would have been better? Lunch was cottage cheese and a greek salad wrap. Hungry 90 minutes later and got into some fat free micro popcorn and that helps to feel full/satisfied. Now I’m off to the gym for 90 minutes of power yoga, so the worst (hunger-wise) is over for the day. The hunger issue should be over tomorrow, especially with just yoga tonight…

Please share more tips if you have them. I AM my own science experiment!


Thursday, May 12, 2005, 3:34 PM

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Checking back..

Folks – I appreciate all the feedback so far. To share a bit more –

Some have said that it’s the high intensity (85-92% max HR) that brings on the hungry horrors. Though I notice after a 50 mile bike ride that I’m crazy hungry for at least 2 days afterwards, even if it was moderate intensity.

Definitely NOT dehydration, no way no how.

I’m trying to be more conscientious about eating lean/low fat proteins the day after. I started today w/ cereal and milk and perhaps eggs and avocado would have been better? Lunch was cottage cheese and a greek salad wrap. Hungry 90 minutes later and got into some fat free micro popcorn and that helps to feel full/satisfied. Now I’m off to the gym for 90 minutes of power yoga, so the worst (hunger-wise) is over for the day. The hunger issue should be over tomorrow, especially with just yoga tonight…

Please share more tips if you have them. I AM my own science experiment!


Thursday, May 12, 2005, 3:34 PM

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impressive workouts!

It sounds like you're burning a lot of calories. I think you hit on the answer to your own question: would eggs w/ avacado (complex protein) be better than cereal (simple carbs) ? YES. try an eggwhite eggs, avacado and multigrain toast. Consider the quality of the foods- there is a big difference between instant oatmeal and steelcut oats.
The longer it takes your body to breakdown the food the longer it will take for you to be hungry again. Snack my dear snack away! nuts, low-fat string cheese, whole fruit, ....
eat half a protein bar before you go to that poweryoga class or that crazy spinning class.
you're doing great!


Friday, May 13, 2005, 12:18 PM

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impressive workouts!

It sounds like you're burning a lot of calories. I think you hit on the answer to your own question: would eggs w/ avacado (complex protein) be better than cereal (simple carbs) ? YES. try an eggwhite eggs, avacado and multigrain toast. Consider the quality of the foods- there is a big difference between instant oatmeal and steelcut oats.
The longer it takes your body to breakdown the food the longer it will take for you to be hungry again. Snack my dear snack away! nuts, low-fat string cheese, whole fruit, ....
eat half a protein bar before you go to that poweryoga class or that crazy spinning class.
you're doing great!


Friday, May 13, 2005, 12:18 PM

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impressive workouts!

It sounds like you're burning a lot of calories. I think you hit on the answer to your own question: would eggs w/ avacado (complex protein) be better than cereal (simple carbs) ? YES. try an eggwhite eggs, avacado and multigrain toast. Consider the quality of the foods- there is a big difference between instant oatmeal and steelcut oats.
The longer it takes your body to breakdown the food the longer it will take for you to be hungry again. Snack my dear snack away! nuts, low-fat string cheese, whole fruit, ....
eat half a protein bar before you go to that poweryoga class or that crazy spinning class.
you're doing great!


Friday, May 13, 2005, 12:18 PM

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I get super hungry as well, but my main problem is recovery from a workout. Say I go for a 3 or 4 mile run, and I kick butt. If I try again in 3 days, I almost always have much less energy, cramp and do not have a productive run. I'm wondering what I am doing wrong?

Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 9:17 AM

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I get super hungry as well, but my main problem is recovery from a workout. Say I go for a 3 or 4 mile run, and I kick butt. If I try again in 3 days, I almost always have much less energy, cramp and do not have a productive run. I'm wondering what I am doing wrong?

Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 9:17 AM

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I get super hungry as well, but my main problem is recovery from a workout. Say I go for a 3 or 4 mile run, and I kick butt. If I try again in 3 days, I almost always have much less energy, cramp and do not have a productive run. I'm wondering what I am doing wrong?

Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 9:17 AM

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I have been their too

I am also bike ride, 50 miles is no big deal, and I am also starving for the next 2-3 days, I have found that I need to go on these long rides at least once a month and eat after. I find a huge breakfast is my soulution. Going to the local diner for eggs, pancakes, etc makes me full. But when I am doing my regular workout in the gym I have to work out for 60 mins and I am not starving but if I go for 75 mins I am starving the next day. The trick will be to find the amount of time doing an activity that will not send you body into "I am starving mode" Every person is different and it is going to take time to figure out. Good luck it took me 3 years to figure this out.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 10:20 AM

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I have been their too

I am also bike ride, 50 miles is no big deal, and I am also starving for the next 2-3 days, I have found that I need to go on these long rides at least once a month and eat after. I find a huge breakfast is my soulution. Going to the local diner for eggs, pancakes, etc makes me full. But when I am doing my regular workout in the gym I have to work out for 60 mins and I am not starving but if I go for 75 mins I am starving the next day. The trick will be to find the amount of time doing an activity that will not send you body into "I am starving mode" Every person is different and it is going to take time to figure out. Good luck it took me 3 years to figure this out.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 10:20 AM

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I have been their too

I am also bike ride, 50 miles is no big deal, and I am also starving for the next 2-3 days, I have found that I need to go on these long rides at least once a month and eat after. I find a huge breakfast is my soulution. Going to the local diner for eggs, pancakes, etc makes me full. But when I am doing my regular workout in the gym I have to work out for 60 mins and I am not starving but if I go for 75 mins I am starving the next day. The trick will be to find the amount of time doing an activity that will not send you body into "I am starving mode" Every person is different and it is going to take time to figure out. Good luck it took me 3 years to figure this out.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 10:20 AM

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I have been their too

I am also bike ride, 50 miles is no big deal, and I am also starving for the next 2-3 days, I have found that I need to go on these long rides at least once a month and eat after. I find a huge breakfast is my soulution. Going to the local diner for eggs, pancakes, etc makes me full. But when I am doing my regular workout in the gym I have to work out for 60 mins and I am not starving but if I go for 75 mins I am starving the next day. The trick will be to find the amount of time doing an activity that will not send you body into "I am starving mode" Every person is different and it is going to take time to figure out. Good luck it took me 3 years to figure this out.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 10:20 AM

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I have been their too

I am also bike ride, 50 miles is no big deal, and I am also starving for the next 2-3 days, I have found that I need to go on these long rides at least once a month and eat after. I find a huge breakfast is my soulution. Going to the local diner for eggs, pancakes, etc makes me full. But when I am doing my regular workout in the gym I have to work out for 60 mins and I am not starving but if I go for 75 mins I am starving the next day. The trick will be to find the amount of time doing an activity that will not send you body into "I am starving mode" Every person is different and it is going to take time to figure out. Good luck it took me 3 years to figure this out.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 10:20 AM

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I have been their too

I am also bike ride, 50 miles is no big deal, and I am also starving for the next 2-3 days, I have found that I need to go on these long rides at least once a month and eat after. I find a huge breakfast is my soulution. Going to the local diner for eggs, pancakes, etc makes me full. But when I am doing my regular workout in the gym I have to work out for 60 mins and I am not starving but if I go for 75 mins I am starving the next day. The trick will be to find the amount of time doing an activity that will not send you body into "I am starving mode" Every person is different and it is going to take time to figure out. Good luck it took me 3 years to figure this out.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 10:20 AM

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Midnight Cravings:

For me, it's at night. I wake up at 2-3am just ravenous. I know we're usually taught to avoid eating late, but I've found that reserving some calories in my daily planning so that I can have a soy protein shake shortly before bed (which has only about 5 carbs, 35 grams of protein, and a total of about 220 calories) keeps me from waking up and making a sleepy unhealthy choice (like trying to devour an entire cake LOL). I find that if I don't eat anything, I will be exhausted and starving the next day and my resistance workout and cardio workout will both suffer. And, this (for me) hasn't seemed to slow my weight loss--in fact, I've found I gain muscle and strength more rapidly. (Probably because it's during the night rest that my muscles do their best work at rebuilding themselves.)

Thursday, June 9, 2005, 12:26 PM

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Midnight Cravings:

For me, it's at night. I wake up at 2-3am just ravenous. I know we're usually taught to avoid eating late, but I've found that reserving some calories in my daily planning so that I can have a soy protein shake shortly before bed (which has only about 5 carbs, 35 grams of protein, and a total of about 220 calories) keeps me from waking up and making a sleepy unhealthy choice (like trying to devour an entire cake LOL). I find that if I don't eat anything, I will be exhausted and starving the next day and my resistance workout and cardio workout will both suffer. And, this (for me) hasn't seemed to slow my weight loss--in fact, I've found I gain muscle and strength more rapidly. (Probably because it's during the night rest that my muscles do their best work at rebuilding themselves.)

Thursday, June 9, 2005, 12:26 PM

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Midnight Cravings:

For me, it's at night. I wake up at 2-3am just ravenous. I know we're usually taught to avoid eating late, but I've found that reserving some calories in my daily planning so that I can have a soy protein shake shortly before bed (which has only about 5 carbs, 35 grams of protein, and a total of about 220 calories) keeps me from waking up and making a sleepy unhealthy choice (like trying to devour an entire cake LOL). I find that if I don't eat anything, I will be exhausted and starving the next day and my resistance workout and cardio workout will both suffer. And, this (for me) hasn't seemed to slow my weight loss--in fact, I've found I gain muscle and strength more rapidly. (Probably because it's during the night rest that my muscles do their best work at rebuilding themselves.)

Thursday, June 9, 2005, 12:26 PM

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I am a guy, and have been in weight loss mode. Now I am in mostly muscle building mode. But whenever I workout, I get "crazy hungry", my weight goes up and I start the cycle all over again. I'm still keeping most of the weight off, but I am not building the muscle I want.

Thursday, September 28, 2006, 5:53 PM

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I am a guy, and have been in weight loss mode. Now I am in mostly muscle building mode. But whenever I workout, I get "crazy hungry", my weight goes up and I start the cycle all over again. I'm still keeping most of the weight off, but I am not building the muscle I want.

Thursday, September 28, 2006, 5:53 PM

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I am a guy, and have been in weight loss mode. Now I am in mostly muscle building mode. But whenever I workout, I get "crazy hungry", my weight goes up and I start the cycle all over again. I'm still keeping most of the weight off, but I am not building the muscle I want.

Thursday, September 28, 2006, 5:53 PM

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I eat huge salads with beans and olive oil to fight the urges. I used to eat piles of ice cream, steak etc. The transition was tough, but worth it.

Friday, February 16, 2007, 12:23 PM

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I eat huge salads with beans and olive oil to fight the urges. I used to eat piles of ice cream, steak etc. The transition was tough, but worth it.

Friday, February 16, 2007, 12:23 PM

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I eat huge salads with beans and olive oil to fight the urges. I used to eat piles of ice cream, steak etc. The transition was tough, but worth it.

Friday, February 16, 2007, 12:23 PM

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I wonder if some of the "bad" things your body craves after a tough workout are things it actually needs. I crave sugar after a huge workout- which makes sense because one burns a lot of sugar working out.

One also burns fat, so it makes sense that the body craves fat. I also crave protein which makes sense because the body needs to repair muscle.

I don't see a way around this.

Friday, October 1, 2010, 8:54 AM

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I wonder if some of the "bad" things your body craves after a tough workout are things it actually needs. I crave sugar after a huge workout- which makes sense because one burns a lot of sugar working out.

One also burns fat, so it makes sense that the body craves fat. I also crave protein which makes sense because the body needs to repair muscle.

I don't see a way around this.

Friday, October 1, 2010, 8:54 AM

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I wonder if some of the "bad" things your body craves after a tough workout are things it actually needs. I crave sugar after a huge workout- which makes sense because one burns a lot of sugar working out.

One also burns fat, so it makes sense that the body craves fat. I also crave protein which makes sense because the body needs to repair muscle.

I don't see a way around this.

Friday, October 1, 2010, 8:54 AM

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Im dealing with this right now

I started getting so hungry that no matter what I eat Im always hungry right after. Im sure part of the reason Im hungry is Im not eating enough of the good food and the right balance of protein, fat and carbs to have me balanced. Im working on it and hoping to get it right because I dont want to be hungry all day and not lose weight Im working hard at this but not seeing my weight change and can be that even though it seems like Im eating a lot I dont think Im actually getting enough calories to lose weight. Ive only been working out 9 months abd have seen an amazing change in my body shape, Ive built muscle and lost fat but I weigh the same as I did before starting to excercise. Nutrition really does make the difference and Im trying to get it right!

Saturday, January 29, 2011, 12:28 PM

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Im dealing with this right now

I started getting so hungry that no matter what I eat Im always hungry right after. Im sure part of the reason Im hungry is Im not eating enough of the good food and the right balance of protein, fat and carbs to have me balanced. Im working on it and hoping to get it right because I dont want to be hungry all day and not lose weight Im working hard at this but not seeing my weight change and can be that even though it seems like Im eating a lot I dont think Im actually getting enough calories to lose weight. Ive only been working out 9 months abd have seen an amazing change in my body shape, Ive built muscle and lost fat but I weigh the same as I did before starting to excercise. Nutrition really does make the difference and Im trying to get it right!

Saturday, January 29, 2011, 12:28 PM

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Im dealing with this right now

I started getting so hungry that no matter what I eat Im always hungry right after. Im sure part of the reason Im hungry is Im not eating enough of the good food and the right balance of protein, fat and carbs to have me balanced. Im working on it and hoping to get it right because I dont want to be hungry all day and not lose weight Im working hard at this but not seeing my weight change and can be that even though it seems like Im eating a lot I dont think Im actually getting enough calories to lose weight. Ive only been working out 9 months abd have seen an amazing change in my body shape, Ive built muscle and lost fat but I weigh the same as I did before starting to excercise. Nutrition really does make the difference and Im trying to get it right!

Saturday, January 29, 2011, 12:28 PM

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I would try adding some fat to recovery carbs or replacing some. Healthy fat, of course. Maybe some nuts? Some oily fish? Fats tend to be satieating.

Saturday, January 29, 2011, 7:00 PM

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I would try adding some fat to recovery carbs or replacing some. Healthy fat, of course. Maybe some nuts? Some oily fish? Fats tend to be satieating.

Saturday, January 29, 2011, 7:00 PM

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I would try adding some fat to recovery carbs or replacing some. Healthy fat, of course. Maybe some nuts? Some oily fish? Fats tend to be satieating.

Saturday, January 29, 2011, 7:00 PM

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I find that then I take zyflamend in heavy does, this makes me less hungry after a tough workout.

Sunday, February 23, 2014, 9:57 AM

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