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awesome easy veggies

Birds eye just? came out with these frozen veggies, you just stick the whole bag in the microwave and hit a few buttons... 5-6 min later with some sit time... and you are eating nummy veggies... I just tried the broccoli... did not even need butter.

Fri. Mar 24, 6:12pm

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That sounds great, thanks for the tip! I love fresh vegetables, but I tend to throw some out too often - frozen veggies are much more convienent and it is a great way to get a mix of veggies that is in great seving sizes.


Saturday, March 25, 2006, 6:14 PM

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OP here

I was mainly trying them for a friend in one of my groups. She leads a face paced, complicated life and she does not like to cook. She has been relying on restaurant and hot deli bar food instead of cooking at home. Suffering through a plateau- I am trying to help her find ways of eating easily at home without cooking much at all. I thought maybe someone else like this would benefit from the info. As a mom - having one or 2 less steps.. I know frozen regular broccoli is cheaper.. and I know how to steam regular fresh broccoli - well, having one or 2 less steps just makes having veggies with dinner easier sometimes.

Saturday, March 25, 2006, 6:40 PM

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I agree - the new Birdseye steam fresh veggies are great. I've tried the green beans - they tasted just like fresh steamed green beans!! They even fooled my son who loves fresh grean beans but not frozen and canned. It is time consuming to wash them, cut them, steam them. I love having these frozen bags around for when I'm in a hurry.

Saturday, March 25, 2006, 7:59 PM

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My husband has just come up with a new "recipie" for making veggies extroardinary... we use frozen veggies a lot, he took more than half a bag of veggies and tossed in 1/2 packet of veggie soup mix.. and some smart balance... nuke... So good. Just sharing!

Sunday, March 26, 2006, 5:26 PM

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Any ideas on on getting more veggies in your diet? I tend to get really bored and don't eat as many green veggies as I should........any advice?

Sunday, March 26, 2006, 9:11 PM

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I wouldn't put a plastic bag in the microwave. (or anything else plastic next to something I intended to eat.) The plastic does give up some of the chemicals that make it flexible when it is heated -- and those chemicals are carcinogens.

Sunday, March 26, 2006, 11:49 PM

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Try some different simmer sauces.

Find a restaurant that prepares some tasty veggies and see if you can duplicate the spices.

Add something hearty, like 1/2 cup of whole wheat pasta or rice, or potato slices. It may add 150 calories, but it will add a world of texture.

Monday, March 27, 2006, 12:33 AM

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I tried the veggies the OP is talking about. I just dumped them in a glass bowl and stuck it in the microwave. They are great! Didn't need any sauce or butter. They tasted fresh. Thanks for the idea!

Monday, March 27, 2006, 9:08 AM

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are the Birds Eye pouches that much better than the frozen boxes? Curious, thx.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006, 2:35 PM

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The bird's eye ones come in a steam bag and don't need anything but to throw in microwave and once done let sit for about 1 min, open bag and then many times I dump in a bowl and eat them all myself.... I love them... I love them I love them and I am not a veggie eater!!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006, 3:18 PM

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Microwaves essentially cook your food by heating the water molecules inside it, so I don't see how it's that much different than steaming (kind of like steaming it from the inside out). Plus this way you don't have to clean, chop or wash dishes :-) This makes it easier to eat veggies than to eat something else convenient (which is what I'd do), so sounds great to me! I will definitely try them. The only thing I don't like about frozen veggies is that sometimes the consistency leaves something to be desired, so I am happy to have the recommendation.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006, 4:00 PM

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I stir-fry frozen veggies all the time - just make sure the pan is nice and hot before you pour them in so they don't just get soggy.

Also, I love fresh veggies, but find them WAY more time consuming to buy, wash, store, chop and clean up after.

Thursday, August 31, 2006, 12:05 AM

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