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Cake at the office
When we have cake at the office (which is every other week since we celebrate everyone's birthday), I find myself eating 4-5 slices in a day. If it didn’t make me sick after awhile, I'd probably eat the whole thing. Anyone else have that problem?
Fri. Mar 24, 3:30pm
well today. I had my lean cuisine lunch w/ orange and 1pt bar for lunch. Yeah I was satisfied and then what did I do? I went into the kitchen where they were having food for someone's retirement and what did I do? I made myself a taco salad w/ chicken and salsa and grabbed a cookie like I hadn't eaten all day! Why? I don't know. I wasn't hungry, but Qdoba chicken sure sounded good at the time and I justified it by saying that I needed to get in my veggies. Yeah right. I try to avoid the kitchen at all cost, but sometimes I can't help it. You're definitely not alone!
Friday, March 24, 2006, 3:39 PM
It depends. I find that if I think its ok for me to eat it becasue I feel lighter or becasue I've been good, I do. Unfortunately, once I do, I never seem to stop until the cake is gone or I get sick.
Today I got sidetracked by a barrel of brownies. I am not even a brownie fan!!!!
For me, especially when I know something is going to be there on a regular basis that I struggle with, I opt not to have it at all. I plan around it with something that I can eat without guilt. When I do indulge, I just force myself to get over it and move on.
Friday, March 24, 2006, 3:41 PM
I love eating a lot, even if it makes me sick... Try cutting back to two slices maybe? Then ask yourself if you're hungry enough for an apple or some carrot sticks...if not, you're probably satisfied. Get some mints or gum to keep your mouth occupied afterward.
Friday, March 24, 2006, 4:26 PM
When I treat myself and have a piece, it always leads to another, another, and another, so what works best for me is just DO NOT have it. I also hate that out of control feeling.
Friday, March 24, 2006, 5:09 PM
I'm the OP, thanks for all the feedback! I'm an all or nothing gal, so I'm gonna try to just not have any. I've only had two pieces today :(
Friday, March 24, 2006, 5:16 PM
Sounds familiar
I have the same problem. Once I eat some (especially cake), I find that I want more and more. I don't get sick from it either. I am a binge sweet eater. I am working on portion control! It is tough though.
Sunday, March 26, 2006, 8:38 PM
Why does everyone always celebrate with food at work? It's so frustrating....instead of cake, people bring in Krispy Kreme donuts to my office....what's really amazing is that the person who buys the donuts buys enough for everyone to have 3 or 4......and of course there are always lots left for a couple of days. I've been good the past couple of time and said no thanks.....but it's awfully hard!
Sunday, March 26, 2006, 9:07 PM
The only "retaliation" I have ever had was a small event with my group where everyone had to bring their favorite "snack." Everyone else brought things like brownies with Reese's cups in them, and I made a salad with lots of fresh pears and raspberries and walnuts and a great dressing. Everyone loved it!
Monday, March 27, 2006, 12:35 AM
That's really typical of almost every place I've worked except the last one. We were a group of dark chocolate lovers. For their birthday someone might buy a box of french, belgian or dutch chocolate and everyone might have a square or two in the afternoon with tea or coffee. It felt almost 'european' (especially since the squares were more of a european serving size). I loved it.
OT: That salad with pears and rasberries sounds great! Since spring is getting closer we might need a salad thread....
Monday, March 27, 2006, 1:39 AM
I have to resist by thinking "Is this worth the calories? Would I rather spend them on something else if given the option?" It's easier to resist plain donuts, which I know I don't like that much, if I know I could go home and make myself no pudge brownies, which I like a lot better. Or have a Skinny Cow ice cream cone. Or a piece of super rich dark chocolate. All of those sound much better to me than a krispy kreme. I get into trouble when we have specialties cookies, but then I spend my 5 or 6 points for one and am good for the rest of the day. Less guilt because I know I really wanted it.
Monday, March 27, 2006, 9:58 AM
I give myself a number of calories that I'm allowed to eat at work. Mine is 500. That includes lunch and any snacks that I may want to have. I know that if I have a donut, it'll take up most of my calories, and it won't keep me full until dinnertime; instead, I consciously pack my lunch or buy from places that provide calorie info online, and plan out my day of food ahead of time, so I know what I can eat when I get hungry.
I've been doing this for awhile, and it didn't work for me at first, I need to warn. I loved food days, etc., and I didn't know how to pick the right foods to keep me full, so cutting calories always made me hungry. For me, proteins and fats fill me, and carbs don't, so I cut carbs for awhile. Now, after quite awhile, less food makes me full, so I can add back in a lot of treats that I couldn't used to "afford," calorie-wise.
Occasionally, I still go overboard. But, when I notice that I'm out of control, I take whatever it is, and I smear it all over my garbage can (if I put it in neatly, sometimes I'll dig it out!!) I also do the same if, say, I'm really craving a bag of chips from the vending machine. I buy a bag, and immediately toss out half into the garbage can. Then I'm allowed to eat the rest. If I tell myself I'll only eat half, I never stick to it, but if I make it impossible to eat more than half, it's way easier. Of course, first you have to get over the hang up most people have with throwing food away.
Monday, March 27, 2006, 1:55 PM
Force down a HUGE glass of water
right before you endulge. You will be fuller, and less liekly to go overboard with the cake, while water is taking up space in your tummy.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006, 10:46 AM
Do you know when the cake is coming? I recommend you stuff yourself silly before it gets there with a huge glass of water, a huge salad, fruit, whatever that's healthy, so you really just don't have room. This cake must be huge if you can eat that many slices! Does a large amount sit around all day then? Can you sneak in and take the rest to the dumpster?
Wednesday, March 29, 2006, 5:43 AM
Think of how many people are in your office, and mentally divide up the cake into that many pieces. Only eat YOUR portion. Make yourself believe that if you eat more than that, you're TAKING IT AWAY from someone else who really wants it! You're not looking out for yourself, or being healthy, or denying yourself, you're just being courteous!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006, 3:16 PM
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