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Nutrient Rich and Super Quick Food Ideas

please share your ideas on super quick, healthy food ideas. I shared three in the following article, things that have made eating healthier and for energy much easier.


Thu. Oct 1, 11:49am

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Smoothies and Nori Sheets

1) 60 second smoothies are our fav's! You can play with veg/fruit combos and design something that suits your taste, or try one of the myriad of recipes available on the web!

Here are a couple that I've come to love (my kids (7 and 3) voted these 3 as their favorites as well for anyone out there with kiddos!). Each makes about 2 servings. Everything goes in the vitamix/blender and whizzes until smooth, usually 45-60 seconds:

Chocolate-Berry Dream Smoothie
1 cup frozen blueberries or cherries
1 cup almond/coconut/hemp/rice/soy milk
1 cup ice
1 Tbsp cocoa powder or cacao nibs
2 Tbsp flaxseed or chia or hempseed
1 tsp stevia or 1 Tbsp agave or honey (optional)

Orange-You-Gorgeous Smoothie
1 carrot
4-6 kale leaves
2 Tbsp flaxseed or chia or hempseed
1 cup orange juice or 2 peeled oranges
1/4 cup coconut kefir or other probiotic
1 cup ice

The John-Deere Smoothie
1 frozen banana
6 leaves kale
1 cup pineapple chunks
1/2 cup coconut kefir
2 Tbsp flaxseed or chia or hempseed
1 tsp stevia or 1 Tbsp agave or honey (optional)
1 cup + water

2) Nori Sheets -- these little green gems are SO versatile, easy to use, easy to store and tasty to boot! Think of them like a tortilla wrapper or lavash. They are gluten free and most are 5-8 calories per wrapper.

I slice 1/2 of an avocado and lay that on one edge of the nori sheet, then I top it with carrot sticks, sprouts, mixed greens, homemade bean spread, etc. and roll it up. You can slice the roll as you would sushi or just bite into it like a burrito. The sheet is a little toothsome to bite into, so if it's your first time trying nori, I would slice it and pop it in your mouth. Also, this has the pleasant and fresh smell of the sea, but is vegan.

Enjoy! I can't wait to see what other ideas are shared on this thread!


Thursday, October 1, 2009, 1:13 PM

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where do you buy nori?

Thursday, October 1, 2009, 6:20 PM

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Nori sources

I buy Nori at my local Shaw's market. Whole Foods has it... almost every natural food place I've been into in New England carries either raw or toasted Nori sheets. Your local fish market may carry some. The packet I have right now is Emerald Cove Organic Pacific Nori --- I bet you can google it and find a mail order source as well. I've attached a link to one source.


Thursday, October 1, 2009, 11:53 PM

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Salsa and mex

Jackie also posted salsa - easy.

onions, tomatoes (various colors are nice), peppers (1 or many, jalapeno or just tricolor bell peppers or sweet -- whatever type of spice you like), garlic - let sit and flavor OR saute a few minutes in oiled skillet. After removing, Add in cilantro (very cheap) or Italian seasoning (then becomes bruschetta).

You now have salsa. OR Add in cheese and you have bruschetta
Add a can of black beans (or pinto beans) - straight out the can, reheated, or mashed with some boil in the bag rice --- and you have a burrito.

Grilled chik in the Foreman grill and you have a full meal.

Friday, October 2, 2009, 7:50 AM

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chopped veggies with hummus

Friday, October 2, 2009, 2:54 PM

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Trader Joes sells some soups that are basically vegetable purees. They are a bit on the strarchy side...most have potatoes as one of the ingredients, but they are nutritions and easy...just pour into a bowl and put in the microwave for 4 minutes and serve.

Another favorite when I need quick is 1/2 of an whole grain english muffin with cashew butter on it. It is not meal nutritious, but as snacks go, it is relatively healhty.

And my all time favorite "guilt free" is baby carrots and guacomole dip...yea the dip has calories, but you can get low fat ones that taste good with a lot less calories per bite.

Saturday, October 3, 2009, 1:27 AM

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A wedge of raw cabbage spread thinly w/ sugar free peanut butter.

Saturday, October 3, 2009, 9:39 AM

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