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Wu Long Tea?

Hey guys i was looking at one of the side adds on peer trainer and it read "Oprah swears by it!" Wu Long tea. Its supposedly this chinese tea thats much better for you and helps you burn a lot of fat and on and on. This is the website below. I dont usually fall for those dumb ad's for weight loss products but this one looks natural so im debating giving it a shot. It's $37 a box. I was wondering has anyone heard of this tea or used it before? This is the link before. What do you think?


Thu. Mar 23, 3:07pm

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Green tea...

I don't know about Wu Long tea, but I swear by green tea. It is great for many healthful reasons. I drink it daily, in the morning and I don't know if it makes me feel full, or suppresses my appetite, but it works! Here's an article about it.

Oh yeah, and $37 a box for tea is REALLY steep (I buy a lot of tea, from the stuff in the grocery store to stuff in higher end tea shops. I wouldn't buy it unless I'd tried it first, at that price!!!)


Thursday, March 23, 2006, 3:39 PM

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Oolong tea - you can buy cheaper versions

Look at your Asian supermarket for 'Oolong' tea. I'm sure 'wu long' is just another spelling. I buy mine for $3-$4 tops (40 tea bags).
Yes there was a published study that showed that drinking at least 5 cups a day increases your metabolism by 6%. Which is a lot! You can google Oolong tea and metabolism to read it for yourself

Thursday, March 23, 2006, 4:17 PM

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You may want to check if the teas are high in caffeine content. Maybe that is part of the reason for the metabolism boost?

and Yes, Oonlong is very inexpensive.

There is one called "Dragon's Well" Tea, which is supposed be a very classy, and fine Chinese Tea. In chinese it's "Long JIng Cha" (literally, Dragon's Well Tea).

Very Fragrant.

I think half of the reason why these work is because you're drinking a lot of water, too! :-)

Thursday, March 23, 2006, 5:42 PM

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Green tea has less caffeine than oolong, but oolong has less caffeine than coffee. Also, the caffeine in tea gives you a mellower "high" than coffee which lasts a little longer.

Thursday, March 23, 2006, 6:06 PM

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try a real asian tea shop

Big cities, esp with a Chinatown (or a yuppie district!) will have a nice Asian tea shop. I used to like Ten Ren (see link) in SF.
First of all, they sell great teas, in a huge variety and multiple levels of expense. Everything from very flowery jasmine tea to "dirt" tasting pu-erh. Something about going and trying the different kinds and picking out a fancy tea makes it more special, and therefore more like a treat. The different varieties encourage you to become a connoisseur of subtle tastes. Also you can try to think of your tea drinking as more of a relaxing ritual, where you are supposed to take it slow and be mindful. This all helps make a cup of tea a good substitute for the other "comfort" treats. Also try a roasted japanese tea like gen-mai-cha. Or ginseng "tea" is a nice caffeine-free one.
Of course, you can go with interesting and subtle English teas too -- Prince of Wales by Twinings is quite nice.


Friday, March 24, 2006, 12:04 AM

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Thanks guys that is very helpful! i think i will just go to an asian market and get some tea from there instead!

Friday, March 24, 2006, 1:51 PM

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GREAT place to get tea online...

Triple Leaf Tea... their Jasmine is GREAT! Best tea I've had in a tea bag with a good price. (link below)


Friday, March 24, 2006, 5:26 PM

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