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Fiber and carb watching

So I've been trying to incorporate more fiber into my diet...I know fiber can be really helpful with weightloss....but I'm a little worried about the carbs in high fiber cereals etc...I've tried the atkins bars which are very high in fiber ( 11 grams per bar) and very low in carbs...but I cant force myself to eat those for more than one meal a day... does anyone else know some fiber rich and low carb foods? And which should I be more worried about, avoiding excess carbs or getting alot of fiber?

Tue. Mar 21, 10:22pm

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What about a supplement like "Benefiber"? You can mix it into yogurt, or drinks, with no noticable taste or texture difference?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 10:28 PM

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One thing I really like for lunch is a "wrap". It's basically a heavy duty tortilla. I think the brand name is Flat Out. They have a light or carb down version which has 9 grams of fiber, and very few net carbs. I get mine at Wal-Mart in the deli section. I put lean turkey and spinach on mine, with fat free dressing. It's great, I love it! Also, I don't know the carb content but Kashi Go Lean cereal has 10 grams of fiber in a cup and 13 grams of protein, pretty good for a cereal.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006, 8:32 AM

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I have been following the South Beach Diet . I really like the South Beach Whole Grain Crunch! Very tasty! Its really good added to yogurt. I also recommend Kashi GoLean .

Wednesday, March 22, 2006, 10:24 AM

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Check the sugar content (should be low) and then the overall calories, which are what matter most in the end anyway. A cereal like Fiber 1 has more than your day's worth of fiber (28g) in 1 cup for only 120 calories.

Vegetables are very high in fiber and low in calories, too!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006, 1:22 PM

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I also like Kashi Go Lean. Try South Beach Diet bars, I find them in the cereal section of the grocery store, much more palatable than the Atkins bars.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006, 8:34 AM

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I think Kashi GoLean tastes like cardboard. I have to mix it with yogurt to get it down. I usually eat Raisin Bran for the fiber. But I know that it has lots of sugar.

Friday, April 14, 2006, 7:56 PM

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My ex-bf challenged me to do a taste test between Kashi Go Lean and the box it comes in. So I can confidently say that Kashi Go Lean tastes WORSE than cardboard.


Friday, April 14, 2006, 9:11 PM

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Which Golean Cereal are you talking about? the ones with the "flakes" Does taste saw-dusty!!!

However, GoLean Crunch is almost like a granola.

There's another one that's I think called Kashi "Heart Healthy" (or something like that) --it's more like lightly sweetened Cheerios....

Saturday, April 15, 2006, 1:17 AM

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I love Kashi GoLean. It doesn't taste like cardboard - it is a little bit sweet and very crunchy. The taste and texture does take a little getting used to. I didn't used to like it, but now I do.

Yes, Kashi GoLean Crunch is also VERY yummy, but look at the sugar content! It is very high - it has 13 GRAMS OF SUGAR per serving. That is HIGHER than captain crunch cereal, which has 12 grams. So of course it tastes good!! But it not the best choice for those who are trying to cut down on sugar.

I saw a segment on the Today show that when you are trying to pick a good healthy cereal, use number 6 is good to as a benchmark. Try to get a cereal that has LESS than 6 grams of sugar per serving, and 6 or MORE grams of fiber for sugar. Those are hard to find, but Kashi GoLean is one of them (6 grams sugar, 9 grams fiber).

Saturday, April 15, 2006, 8:05 AM

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Are you exercising a lot? because if you work out regularly you really shouldn't limit your carbs too much. I would worry more about getting enough fiber. As long as you are eating healthy foods like fruits, veggies, whole grain breads, etc, you shouldn't worry about carbs.

The carbs in foods that have empty calories like pretzels and chips (even baked chips) are the ones you have to watch out for. Because then you are consuming a bunch of carbs, without any fiber or nutrition.

Sunday, April 16, 2006, 7:28 PM

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