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I have an awful time staying motivated. I feel like I know what to do to lose weight but I "fall off the wagon" weekly. Does anyone have strategies that work for them???
Mon. Mar 20, 5:37pm
I have this same problem. I could use some suggestions, as well!!
Monday, March 20, 2006, 5:45 PM
I have this same problem. I could use some suggestions, as well!!
Monday, March 20, 2006, 5:45 PM
I have this same problem. I could use some suggestions, as well!!
Monday, March 20, 2006, 5:45 PM
Just know that you are not alone. We all fall off the wagon/have set backs, etc... Here's some strategies I use to help me stay motivated:
-I believe in the 15 minute rule for exercise. Basically, I make myself workout for 15 minutes. If I'm still miserable and don't feel like continuing I let myself stop, guilt free. 99% of the time I'm able to continue past the 15 minutes and for the rare times I'm not, I look at it as a sign that I need the break.
-I enter lots of races (5K, triathlon, stair climbing race, etc...) to keep myself motivated. I'm NO athlete...I just do it for fun.
-I log on to PT everyday and I'm completely honest. Sometimes it's embarassing to admit what I've eaten but I do it anyway. It helps keep me accountable.
-Before I eat something "bad" I think about it first and determine whether it's really worth it. If it doesn't taste AWESOME I won't eat it.
Good luck to you! You CAN do this!!
Monday, March 20, 2006, 6:05 PM
Just know that you are not alone. We all fall off the wagon/have set backs, etc... Here's some strategies I use to help me stay motivated:
-I believe in the 15 minute rule for exercise. Basically, I make myself workout for 15 minutes. If I'm still miserable and don't feel like continuing I let myself stop, guilt free. 99% of the time I'm able to continue past the 15 minutes and for the rare times I'm not, I look at it as a sign that I need the break.
-I enter lots of races (5K, triathlon, stair climbing race, etc...) to keep myself motivated. I'm NO athlete...I just do it for fun.
-I log on to PT everyday and I'm completely honest. Sometimes it's embarassing to admit what I've eaten but I do it anyway. It helps keep me accountable.
-Before I eat something "bad" I think about it first and determine whether it's really worth it. If it doesn't taste AWESOME I won't eat it.
Good luck to you! You CAN do this!!
Monday, March 20, 2006, 6:05 PM
Just know that you are not alone. We all fall off the wagon/have set backs, etc... Here's some strategies I use to help me stay motivated:
-I believe in the 15 minute rule for exercise. Basically, I make myself workout for 15 minutes. If I'm still miserable and don't feel like continuing I let myself stop, guilt free. 99% of the time I'm able to continue past the 15 minutes and for the rare times I'm not, I look at it as a sign that I need the break.
-I enter lots of races (5K, triathlon, stair climbing race, etc...) to keep myself motivated. I'm NO athlete...I just do it for fun.
-I log on to PT everyday and I'm completely honest. Sometimes it's embarassing to admit what I've eaten but I do it anyway. It helps keep me accountable.
-Before I eat something "bad" I think about it first and determine whether it's really worth it. If it doesn't taste AWESOME I won't eat it.
Good luck to you! You CAN do this!!
Monday, March 20, 2006, 6:05 PM
I'm 34 and have been exercising pretty regulary since age 16. That in spite of 70 pound weight loss, gain, loss, gain and then another loss. After all this time I finally have developed an exercise philosophy and here it is: "It doesn't matter what you do as long as you do something." I get bored easily so I am always up for trying something else. My main sources of exercise are yoga, running and walking. But I'll try most things as long as I move. Figure out what you like. This may take awhile. Be patient and honest with youself. You may like something for a few months or a few years. Do it until you need a change. The most important thing is that you move. Another thing that greatly helped me was writing out all the reasons to stay fit and healthy (the shallow and the deep). These are great motivaters. I remind myself of them on a regular basis.
1. I like being attractive
2. I like being attractive in nice clothes that fit well
3. I love the energy I have
4. I adore being flexible (this is my number one motivator I should add)
5. I love playing with my neice and nephew and keeping up with them.
6. I like knowing I am setting the foundation for being a fit and flexible old
7. Sex is better when your fit and energetic
8. I'm happier when I'm fit, flexible and attractive - more outgoing and friendly.
So make your own list and keep updating it for the rest of your life.
Hope this helps.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 6:47 PM
I'm 34 and have been exercising pretty regulary since age 16. That in spite of 70 pound weight loss, gain, loss, gain and then another loss. After all this time I finally have developed an exercise philosophy and here it is: "It doesn't matter what you do as long as you do something." I get bored easily so I am always up for trying something else. My main sources of exercise are yoga, running and walking. But I'll try most things as long as I move. Figure out what you like. This may take awhile. Be patient and honest with youself. You may like something for a few months or a few years. Do it until you need a change. The most important thing is that you move. Another thing that greatly helped me was writing out all the reasons to stay fit and healthy (the shallow and the deep). These are great motivaters. I remind myself of them on a regular basis.
1. I like being attractive
2. I like being attractive in nice clothes that fit well
3. I love the energy I have
4. I adore being flexible (this is my number one motivator I should add)
5. I love playing with my neice and nephew and keeping up with them.
6. I like knowing I am setting the foundation for being a fit and flexible old
7. Sex is better when your fit and energetic
8. I'm happier when I'm fit, flexible and attractive - more outgoing and friendly.
So make your own list and keep updating it for the rest of your life.
Hope this helps.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 6:47 PM
I'm 34 and have been exercising pretty regulary since age 16. That in spite of 70 pound weight loss, gain, loss, gain and then another loss. After all this time I finally have developed an exercise philosophy and here it is: "It doesn't matter what you do as long as you do something." I get bored easily so I am always up for trying something else. My main sources of exercise are yoga, running and walking. But I'll try most things as long as I move. Figure out what you like. This may take awhile. Be patient and honest with youself. You may like something for a few months or a few years. Do it until you need a change. The most important thing is that you move. Another thing that greatly helped me was writing out all the reasons to stay fit and healthy (the shallow and the deep). These are great motivaters. I remind myself of them on a regular basis.
1. I like being attractive
2. I like being attractive in nice clothes that fit well
3. I love the energy I have
4. I adore being flexible (this is my number one motivator I should add)
5. I love playing with my neice and nephew and keeping up with them.
6. I like knowing I am setting the foundation for being a fit and flexible old
7. Sex is better when your fit and energetic
8. I'm happier when I'm fit, flexible and attractive - more outgoing and friendly.
So make your own list and keep updating it for the rest of your life.
Hope this helps.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 6:47 PM
Start smaller.
For example, if you are drinking 3-4 regular sodas a day, try to drink only 2. and work down from there. then try to swich to diet. If you are drinking whole milk, down down a level till you are use to skim. Swich to whole grain bread. If sweets are you thing, get the best chcolate you can find, and only eat a few squares instead of the entire bar.
Sugestions for workous. Find something you like to do. And that is fun. How about a belly dancing class, fencing, or karate. Bike riding, or hiking, how about jump rope, or just walking around the block.
Make it easier for youself.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 6:50 PM
Start smaller.
For example, if you are drinking 3-4 regular sodas a day, try to drink only 2. and work down from there. then try to swich to diet. If you are drinking whole milk, down down a level till you are use to skim. Swich to whole grain bread. If sweets are you thing, get the best chcolate you can find, and only eat a few squares instead of the entire bar.
Sugestions for workous. Find something you like to do. And that is fun. How about a belly dancing class, fencing, or karate. Bike riding, or hiking, how about jump rope, or just walking around the block.
Make it easier for youself.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 6:50 PM
Start smaller.
For example, if you are drinking 3-4 regular sodas a day, try to drink only 2. and work down from there. then try to swich to diet. If you are drinking whole milk, down down a level till you are use to skim. Swich to whole grain bread. If sweets are you thing, get the best chcolate you can find, and only eat a few squares instead of the entire bar.
Sugestions for workous. Find something you like to do. And that is fun. How about a belly dancing class, fencing, or karate. Bike riding, or hiking, how about jump rope, or just walking around the block.
Make it easier for youself.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 6:50 PM
Hey great idea about making yourself exercise for 15 min I will start tha.t somedays I just don't feel up to exercise, but if I make myself I end up doing good. So I am going to start going for 15 min each day and see what happens.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 7:02 PM
Hey great idea about making yourself exercise for 15 min I will start tha.t somedays I just don't feel up to exercise, but if I make myself I end up doing good. So I am going to start going for 15 min each day and see what happens.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 7:02 PM
Hey great idea about making yourself exercise for 15 min I will start tha.t somedays I just don't feel up to exercise, but if I make myself I end up doing good. So I am going to start going for 15 min each day and see what happens.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 7:02 PM
I really like the 15 minute rule too. Never thought of that. I also get bored with the same exercise quickly and do try to mix it up. I also like the idea of starting with small goals. My new one is trying to drink more water and less diet soda.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 9:21 PM
I really like the 15 minute rule too. Never thought of that. I also get bored with the same exercise quickly and do try to mix it up. I also like the idea of starting with small goals. My new one is trying to drink more water and less diet soda.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 9:21 PM
I really like the 15 minute rule too. Never thought of that. I also get bored with the same exercise quickly and do try to mix it up. I also like the idea of starting with small goals. My new one is trying to drink more water and less diet soda.
Monday, March 20, 2006, 9:21 PM
i have the same issues. i think i've come to realize that the changes aren't going to happen overnight. i "fall off the wagon" too, and am learning that i have to just jump back on and start again. i've always just given up in the past. having a web site like this to come back to each time really helps. i tried it on my own for a week and realized i missed it.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 8:35 AM
i have the same issues. i think i've come to realize that the changes aren't going to happen overnight. i "fall off the wagon" too, and am learning that i have to just jump back on and start again. i've always just given up in the past. having a web site like this to come back to each time really helps. i tried it on my own for a week and realized i missed it.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 8:35 AM
i have the same issues. i think i've come to realize that the changes aren't going to happen overnight. i "fall off the wagon" too, and am learning that i have to just jump back on and start again. i've always just given up in the past. having a web site like this to come back to each time really helps. i tried it on my own for a week and realized i missed it.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 8:35 AM
Set yourself some goals. An inch off the waist. 5lbs gone by next month. By setting goals you have something to work towards. Then when you meet your goal you can feel proud of what you have accomplished and look forward to the next goal:o)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 9:08 AM
Set yourself some goals. An inch off the waist. 5lbs gone by next month. By setting goals you have something to work towards. Then when you meet your goal you can feel proud of what you have accomplished and look forward to the next goal:o)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 9:08 AM
Set yourself some goals. An inch off the waist. 5lbs gone by next month. By setting goals you have something to work towards. Then when you meet your goal you can feel proud of what you have accomplished and look forward to the next goal:o)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 9:08 AM
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