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Eat to Live

I am 50 years old, 6 feet, 270 pounds, very physically active. I had ballooned to 315 pounds and lost 45 pounds last year with Optifast. I have been maintaining my weight with variations on Atkins and South Beach Diets but not really losing due to too much cheating and too large portions...I keep losing and gaining the same 10 pounds.

A friend recently gave me a copy of Joel Fuhrmans Eat to Live and the approach seems to make alot of sense...I would love to drop 30 - 40 pounds ovet he next few months if possible. I am worried however if i will able to stick with it since meat, chicken, eggs and cheese have become such a major part of my diet over the last 20 years or so of constant dieting (I have lost the same 50 pounds at least 3 times...)

Can anyone share their experience in terms of success (or lack theroff) in basically giving up meat, poultry, eggs and cheese? Or alternatively, has ayone had success in doing Eat to Live but with more meat, poultry and eggs than reccomended by Dr, Fuhrman?


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Sun. Jul 12, 3:32am

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Hi, I am currently reading "The China Study" and read "The Engine 2 Diet," and the fact that animal protein causes plaque in your arteries and causes heart disease freaks me out, so I've cut back on dairy significantly within the past week and have cut out meat. I have no idea how long this will last, but I'm going to try it out for a life. What you need to do is move from going from diet to diet and actually change the way you live... so if you can't stick to being vegetarian, I honestly would not do it, because you''re just going to go through the yo yo diet cycle over and over. I would try just eating healthier foods, and count your calories and measure everything. If this means eating out less, then that would be a good option in my opinion, because you can control portions and what's in your food better at home. I know all about yo yo dieting because I've been through it. What we need to do is make a lifestyle change- you can't temporarily follow a diet and then go back to the way you ate before. Does that make sense? I'm not the best at expressing myself sometimes, but keep on keeping on, and just make healthier choices! If you want to try the vegan thing, that's great, but find something you can stick to.

Sunday, July 12, 2009, 10:47 AM

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Hi, I am currently reading "The China Study" and read "The Engine 2 Diet," and the fact that animal protein causes plaque in your arteries and causes heart disease freaks me out, so I've cut back on dairy significantly within the past week and have cut out meat. I have no idea how long this will last, but I'm going to try it out for a life. What you need to do is move from going from diet to diet and actually change the way you live... so if you can't stick to being vegetarian, I honestly would not do it, because you''re just going to go through the yo yo diet cycle over and over. I would try just eating healthier foods, and count your calories and measure everything. If this means eating out less, then that would be a good option in my opinion, because you can control portions and what's in your food better at home. I know all about yo yo dieting because I've been through it. What we need to do is make a lifestyle change- you can't temporarily follow a diet and then go back to the way you ate before. Does that make sense? I'm not the best at expressing myself sometimes, but keep on keeping on, and just make healthier choices! If you want to try the vegan thing, that's great, but find something you can stick to.

Sunday, July 12, 2009, 10:47 AM

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Hi, I am currently reading "The China Study" and read "The Engine 2 Diet," and the fact that animal protein causes plaque in your arteries and causes heart disease freaks me out, so I've cut back on dairy significantly within the past week and have cut out meat. I have no idea how long this will last, but I'm going to try it out for a life. What you need to do is move from going from diet to diet and actually change the way you live... so if you can't stick to being vegetarian, I honestly would not do it, because you''re just going to go through the yo yo diet cycle over and over. I would try just eating healthier foods, and count your calories and measure everything. If this means eating out less, then that would be a good option in my opinion, because you can control portions and what's in your food better at home. I know all about yo yo dieting because I've been through it. What we need to do is make a lifestyle change- you can't temporarily follow a diet and then go back to the way you ate before. Does that make sense? I'm not the best at expressing myself sometimes, but keep on keeping on, and just make healthier choices! If you want to try the vegan thing, that's great, but find something you can stick to.

Sunday, July 12, 2009, 10:47 AM

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Eat to Live has Changed my Life

I have been doing Eat to live, and Eat for Health for almost 3 month now, and I cannot believe my weight loss, the way my complexion has improved, and my energy level increase. I joined as a member on Dr. F's website, and posted on the "Ask the Doctor" forum and he wrote back to me right away the next day, as I was feeling that I was having a tough time adjusting to the changes you mentioned regarding dairy, & protein, basically Protein Toxicity...
He gave me tips on how to succeed and to taper- off the high protein intake instead of dropping off cold-turkey!

It worked for me although I felt like it was tough to get through for about 2 weeks, and then it all tapered off, and I have been sticking to the plan, so well because NOW I FEEL so good.!

I hope it works for you, and I am in a group called DR. Fuhrman followers here on PT, and it helps if you get support from others that also know about ETL and EFH.....which is why I am also active on Dr. Fuhrman's website forums and member center...

I wish you all the Best for your Health, Success, and Happiness!



Monday, July 13, 2009, 11:21 PM

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Eat to Live has Changed my Life

I have been doing Eat to live, and Eat for Health for almost 3 month now, and I cannot believe my weight loss, the way my complexion has improved, and my energy level increase. I joined as a member on Dr. F's website, and posted on the "Ask the Doctor" forum and he wrote back to me right away the next day, as I was feeling that I was having a tough time adjusting to the changes you mentioned regarding dairy, & protein, basically Protein Toxicity...
He gave me tips on how to succeed and to taper- off the high protein intake instead of dropping off cold-turkey!

It worked for me although I felt like it was tough to get through for about 2 weeks, and then it all tapered off, and I have been sticking to the plan, so well because NOW I FEEL so good.!

I hope it works for you, and I am in a group called DR. Fuhrman followers here on PT, and it helps if you get support from others that also know about ETL and EFH.....which is why I am also active on Dr. Fuhrman's website forums and member center...

I wish you all the Best for your Health, Success, and Happiness!



Monday, July 13, 2009, 11:21 PM

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Eat to Live has Changed my Life

I have been doing Eat to live, and Eat for Health for almost 3 month now, and I cannot believe my weight loss, the way my complexion has improved, and my energy level increase. I joined as a member on Dr. F's website, and posted on the "Ask the Doctor" forum and he wrote back to me right away the next day, as I was feeling that I was having a tough time adjusting to the changes you mentioned regarding dairy, & protein, basically Protein Toxicity...
He gave me tips on how to succeed and to taper- off the high protein intake instead of dropping off cold-turkey!

It worked for me although I felt like it was tough to get through for about 2 weeks, and then it all tapered off, and I have been sticking to the plan, so well because NOW I FEEL so good.!

I hope it works for you, and I am in a group called DR. Fuhrman followers here on PT, and it helps if you get support from others that also know about ETL and EFH.....which is why I am also active on Dr. Fuhrman's website forums and member center...

I wish you all the Best for your Health, Success, and Happiness!



Monday, July 13, 2009, 11:21 PM

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Inasmuch as you weigh 270 pounds, you must be consuming about 2700 calories daily to maintain that weight. Cut back A LOT on the quantity of food you are eating. (Cut back to half if you can.)

Also, I suggest Weight Watchers.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 6:42 PM

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Inasmuch as you weigh 270 pounds, you must be consuming about 2700 calories daily to maintain that weight. Cut back A LOT on the quantity of food you are eating. (Cut back to half if you can.)

Also, I suggest Weight Watchers.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 6:42 PM

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Inasmuch as you weigh 270 pounds, you must be consuming about 2700 calories daily to maintain that weight. Cut back A LOT on the quantity of food you are eating. (Cut back to half if you can.)

Also, I suggest Weight Watchers.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 6:42 PM

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Im 34 and I'm struggling with my weight . I currently weigh 570 lbs. and I've tried loosening weight but somehow I manage to put it on . My husband loves me even though I'm obese and he's not . My husband actually encourages me to gain weight and our sex life is really really good we use th pillow trick to ... You know . Everytime I loose a lb. I manage to gain 3lbs. But I don't think that I'm ready to loose my perfect round fatty belly. My husband and I eat out everyday is this possible to my weight gain. Should I leave my husband since he's making me fat???

Saturday, February 25, 2012, 1:46 PM

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I went to the doctor and they told me to loose weight or I'll die . I weigh 563lbs. So the doctor left it at that. I went back three months later and I weighted 589lbs. So the doctor tried to make me go on a diet . Finally I went back 1 month later and I weighted 600lbs. This time the doctor attimmed me to the hospitial and brought me McDonalds food . The doctor kept me in the hospital for 8 weeks and when I was discharged I weighed a wopping 639lbs. When I got home I decided to try excersize 3 months later (now) I've lost 43lbs.

Saturday, February 25, 2012, 1:55 PM

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