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permanent parts of your new life?
focusing a lot on how to make change permanent here on PEERtrainer. What are components of the new you?
For me, eating a pile of greens has been part of my life for about a year now and I don't think that will ever leave. I also have started running much longer than I ever have. And I love it.
Sun. May 31, 9:20am
Eating organic, all-natural foods. Not eating foods that contain unnatural preservatives/additives. Making as much food from scratch as possible. Such as homemade tortilla shells, etc. Since I've started making (almost) everything from scratch and I have seen learned that I love to cook and bake.
Sunday, May 31, 2009, 12:14 PM
I'm the PP - Sorry made an error.
Eating organic, all-natural foods. Not eating foods that contain unnatural preservatives/additives. Making as much food from scratch as possible. Such as homemade tortilla shells, etc. Since I've started making (almost) everything from scratch I've learned that I love to cook and bake.
Sunday, May 31, 2009, 12:15 PM
No snacking after dinner. Never (well, hardly ever). It really makes a huge difference. I've learned to like the feeling of being slightly hungry when I go to bed.
If I wake up in the middle of the night, I do NOT console myself with food. I may drink some water but nothing more.
Sunday, May 31, 2009, 3:25 PM
- Making all my foods myself
- Eating all organic and mostly regional food (you learn about veggies you never knew!)
- Eating Vegetarian, some days vegan
- Eating greens
- Eating a lot of rice, less bread
- Eating more raw food
- Drinking water a lot...
- Not snacking after dinner, or after 10 for me, helps losing weight. As former poster said, you start to 'like' the feeling of beiing a little hungry. There is scientific evidence that eating a little less than you need makes you thin and get a lot older too. It just has to become a habit, a positive one. Meditating or drawing or knitting cool stuff or reading can help you focus on something else than putting bad food in your mouth. Overeating is an addiction. Step by step you can change it back to normal again.
Monday, June 1, 2009, 10:02 AM
- the gym. I just go there like I go to work or anything else. I can't keep weight off without it and I'm really liking how toned I look. When I was younger I was skinny, now I'm in shape.
- eating a lot less rice, bread and pasta. Found out I'm a low-carb girl and it's shocking how much I'm at the mercy of my blood sugar. Refined carbs drive it straight through the roof. Not only do I not eat many of these things, but I no longer even want to - they make me feel bad. If I eat any of them - it's with a huge portion of fiber to balance out the blood sugar blast.
- not snacking after dinner.
- not drinking after 7. Between not snacking and not drinking in the evening I'm sleeping beautiful, uninterrupted sleep.
- making a lot more of my food from scratch. Who knew how easy soup, salad dressing and sauces were? I can make my own (very tasty) light versions and they really help me avoid butter and salt and heavier sauces. If I don't make it - I scrutinize the label and avoid anything with sugar (or any form of it) in the top 5 ingredients.
- eat out (way, way) less. I used to eat out almost every meal. Now I pack breakfast and lunch and the husband and I eat out 2 times a week. For me this made a huge difference.
- am much more active in general. I went out and made more friends who have the same active hobbies as me, and this keeps me on the go. I'm careful to pack healthy snacks and not go crazy, but keeping active with others helps me not sit home and eat.
Monday, June 1, 2009, 11:42 AM
the importance of baby steps
I've learned to make it fun. Now I never want to miss a workout, never want to miss my vegan smoothie, I'm so very aware of when I'm having an allergic reaction. I am just IN TOUCH with my body now. thanks PT!
I still have a ways to go in terms of establishing comforting, soothing, and productive habits all around in my life.... baby steps, keep logging!
Thursday, June 4, 2009, 12:55 AM
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