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Spring Break "splurging"

How do you guys handle the temptations that come up when you're on vacation? I had a hard time at Universal Studios last weekend but came out ok in the end.


Tue. Mar 14, 9:36am

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I actually just got back from Florida on Spring Break. I decided that I deserved to have a good time, including splurging on food. What I did was every morning, my friend and I got up around 6:30 and went for a 3-mile run. I ate cereal and a banana for breakfast every day, then I'd have a salad or light sandwich for lunch. Dinner and dessert was where I let myself go a little crazy, but I didn't have any snacks throughout the day. I'd have dinner and dessert every night (sometimes more than one dessert... hey, live a little!) but then my friends and I would go on a "midnight walk" around the place we were staying, every single night. Keeping up with exercise while still "pigging out" may not have been the ideal solution, but I got to eat whatever I wanted for dinner and dessert, and still feel okay since I was doing so much exercise. Oh we also did water aerobics for an hour on 2 days, and walked around Key West for a whole day. I really enjoyed my vacation this way because I could enjoy the food but I know I wasn't completely sabotaging my healthy eating plan.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 10:56 AM

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I have a vacation coming up in 2 weeks, and it's all inclusive...I'm kind of worried myself. At least you got through it!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 12:13 PM

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Keep busy. Don't drive when you can walk. Take water instead of soda & tea and don't eat everything on your plate.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 12:21 PM

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Eating fruit instead of other fattier snacks helps, too! :-)
an apple or a banana can really help fill the tummy, so that there is less room for goodies... ;-)

Also, try making healthy choices at breakfast and lunch.. If you're on a vacation where you can pack your own food, I suggest making sandwiches for lunch-- that way, you can controll what goes into them. :-)

Other suggestions:

Fill up on Salad and veggies.
Try getting fish or chicken broiled or baked vs. fried or in a thick sauce.
Other common sense things--such as a baked potato vs. fries, plain rice vs. fried, veggies vs. a pilaf, etc.

Mustard vs. mayo (if you don't like yellow mustard, try dijon or even honey mustard (although that has sugar)....
Forgoe the rich sauces that are cream based and opt for those that are broth or tomato based,
Drink water instead of pop (soda), alcohol or juice. :-) or opt for sparkling water with juice :-)

Doing exercise also helps keep you from feeling like you are taking 2 steps backwards while on vacation.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 2:05 PM

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