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Emotion Motivators

There was recently a thread concerning jealousy as a potential motivator. It got me thinking about motivation a lot.

I have many motivators for getting in shape and being healthy.

1) I want to live as long as possible.
2) I want to be a good role model for my children.
3) I want to like what I see in the mirror.
4) I want to feel happy - beautiful - sexy - proud of myself.
5) I want a better sex life.
6) I want to prevent getting Type II Diabetes, which runs in my family.

This list could go on and on. But when it comes down to actually getting off my butt and working out, or resisting the urge to eat a king-size waffle cone sundae, it's not always these reasons that motivate me. Sometimes it's anger, or sadness, rage, hatred or even jealousy.

As they say in Star Wars, you don't know the power of the dark side. :<)

If you think about it, it's these same emotions that can drive us to the bottom of a bag of chips, or gallon of ice cream.

Instead of letting these emotions lead me to self-destructive eating, I prefer to use them to fuel my desire to lose weight. I use these emotions, negative as they may be, to step it up. To "work it off." And usually, by the end of my workout I feel better.

Because emotions are fleeting - good or bad as they may be.


Sat. Mar 11, 10:55pm

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I love your list!

BTW - the dark side is a slippery slope. You slip into it little by little until you realize you've gone further than you ever intended. Yes we all have those emotions, but I try to get them out of my life as quickly as possible and focus on things like you've noted. I'm happier and more likely to stay on track and out of the ice cream!

Sunday, March 12, 2006, 12:31 AM

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I love your list!

BTW - the dark side is a slippery slope. You slip into it little by little until you realize you've gone further than you ever intended. Yes we all have those emotions, but I try to get them out of my life as quickly as possible and focus on things like you've noted. I'm happier and more likely to stay on track and out of the ice cream!

Sunday, March 12, 2006, 12:31 AM

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I love your list!

BTW - the dark side is a slippery slope. You slip into it little by little until you realize you've gone further than you ever intended. Yes we all have those emotions, but I try to get them out of my life as quickly as possible and focus on things like you've noted. I'm happier and more likely to stay on track and out of the ice cream!

Sunday, March 12, 2006, 12:31 AM

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im movitated by....

1) wanting to look good in a bathing suit---sexy even!
2) to be able to indugle every once in a while and not feel guilty, because instead it will be a treat!
3) to love myself and feel healthy! excercise makes me feel so so much better about myself and puts me in the best mood.

Sunday, March 12, 2006, 8:31 PM

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im movitated by....

1) wanting to look good in a bathing suit---sexy even!
2) to be able to indugle every once in a while and not feel guilty, because instead it will be a treat!
3) to love myself and feel healthy! excercise makes me feel so so much better about myself and puts me in the best mood.

Sunday, March 12, 2006, 8:31 PM

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im movitated by....

1) wanting to look good in a bathing suit---sexy even!
2) to be able to indugle every once in a while and not feel guilty, because instead it will be a treat!
3) to love myself and feel healthy! excercise makes me feel so so much better about myself and puts me in the best mood.

Sunday, March 12, 2006, 8:31 PM

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1. I want to feel healthy
2 like the way I look in an outfit
3. have energy
4. feel sexy with men
5.have a good dating life..which has improved since I've lost weight
6. Have children and be in good shape
7. truly love and develop my best self

Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 9:51 PM

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1. I want to feel healthy
2 like the way I look in an outfit
3. have energy
4. feel sexy with men
5.have a good dating life..which has improved since I've lost weight
6. Have children and be in good shape
7. truly love and develop my best self

Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 9:51 PM

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1. I want to feel healthy
2 like the way I look in an outfit
3. have energy
4. feel sexy with men
5.have a good dating life..which has improved since I've lost weight
6. Have children and be in good shape
7. truly love and develop my best self

Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 9:51 PM

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I want to:

1) feel empowered
2) be in control and calm
3) be in optimal health
4) be a good role model for my children

Thursday, March 16, 2006, 12:41 PM

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I want to:

1) feel empowered
2) be in control and calm
3) be in optimal health
4) be a good role model for my children

Thursday, March 16, 2006, 12:41 PM

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I want to:

1) feel empowered
2) be in control and calm
3) be in optimal health
4) be a good role model for my children

Thursday, March 16, 2006, 12:41 PM

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