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Food taste vs. texture

What satisfies you more, the taste or the texture of food?

While I do love flavorful foods and enjoying tastes of everything from herbs and spices to sugar, the texture of food is what really satisfies me. Having a huge chewy or crunchy bite of food in my mouth and going for another really makes me feel good, even if it doesn't taste that great. I love the feeling of a full belly, too.

I know how to savor each bite, but it leaves me unfulfilled... any suggestions? This may be an emotional issue, but any suggestions in that realm would be welcomed as well.

Fri. Mar 10, 9:23am

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I know exactly what you mean! I recently started using steel cut oatmeal, and although I think the actual taste is not as good as old fashioned oats, I like it better because of the texture. I also like to add nuts to dishes for the crunch, and cauliflower or almonds to my salads.

However, I hate onions and one of the reasons why is that I don't like the way they crunch - as well as their taste. I also don't like water chestnuts for the same reason. Weird, huh?

I think its a matter of finding the right foods that satisfy you, but are still healthy. Do you have days when you are satisfied? Keep track and look at what you eat those days - maybe you'll see a pattern.


Friday, March 10, 2006, 9:47 AM

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If you like the feeling of a full stomach, really, this may sound like it'd never work, but, before you start to eat, make yourself drink 2 glasses of water. Then you're allowed to eat. Your stomach will get that full feeling with much less food.

If you really like the crunch of snack food, start being a label snob. Take the time to find the snack that you can have the biggest volume for the fewest calories. Microwave popcorn (or air-popped), Pirate's Booty, and Soy chips are great potato chip substitutes. For chewy/fudgy, maybe the No-Pudge brownie mix (I've never had it, so I have no idea).

And, even though it sounds counter-intuitive, if you know you really want a treat, don't eat a big dinner first, and "pretend" you won't have the treat later. Have the treat, and then stop and have dinner, and have a smaller dinner b/c you'll be somewhat full from the water and then the treat, so you'll need less dinner. You can always pack in more "treats" if you eat dinner first, but, you may find you can't pack in much dinner if you eat your craving first. Just a trick that works for me, might not work for everyone.

Friday, March 10, 2006, 12:44 PM

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Nope - the treat first works as long as you don't use it too often. I allow myself dessert once a week. Given the OMG HUGE!!! serving sizes, my husband and I usually split something and we order it first. This does two things for me. 1.) I enjoy it more because I am really hungry for it and not cramming it in after an entire meal. and 2.) 2 out of 3 times I am so full and satisfied by dessert that I don't want more than a side salad and when I do order dinner I usually end up taking more than half of it home.

Back towards topic.....

You can also substitute a cup of hot tea before meals for that water. I do think the warmth adds to the full feeling. At least it does for me, because I have a hard time feeling satisfied unless I have consumed something hot. Thus a salad for lunch won't cut it unless I accompany it with something like hot tea or a cup of veggie soup.

I too am a texture junkie. However I have slowly changed the textures that appeal to me. Want a big mouthful of crunchy stuff? Me too - I make an incredible lowfat chopped salad absolutely full of veggies (spinach, romaine, peppers, cucumber, zuzhinni, tomatoe, mushroom, etc...). I use a few kalamata olives, a little feta to give it some kick and toss w/lowfat dressing. I can eat a plateful of it and not break the bank calorie-wise. It's also really good in a wrap with some turkey. Trader Joe's has the best sweet Nantes carrots! They don't even need peeling. Dip in your fave lowfat dressing and crunch away! I love cauliflour and FF ranch dip - that will give you a mouthful of crunch and flavor! Those big garlic pickles work too, but one of my faves is baby sweet pickles alternated with baby carrots - you have to try it to believe it! Popcorn and soy chips were mentioned earlier, but you can have quite a large serving of popcorn. Also - you can eat a pretty big bowl of Honey Nut Cherioes w/skim milk and that's got crunch and sweetness plus its fortified and you're getting a serving of dairy. Check out the Kaishi cereals too...

For Chewy/sweet i like the Nature Valley almond granola bars. At 120 calories they are not the best thing for you, but they're better than most chewy sweet things. And 1 as an afternoon snack is quite satisfying. Others have recommended Luna bars and I might just have to look into the No Pudge brownies.

You can change, to an extent, the textures and tastes that you prefer. However it does take a bit of time and experimentation to find things you like and to get used to it. Just keep looking and you'll find things that work for you!

Friday, March 10, 2006, 5:54 PM

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