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Fitness Magazine Readers

I love this mag. and I understand that every reader reads something different or takes something away fromt he magazine with a different point of view.

What caught your eye in the latest issue (april)?

Tue. Mar 7, 6:19pm

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I read Fitness, but I also read Self and Women's Health and Fitness and Parenting and Cooking Light and Martha Stewart Living! Anyway, I do not read them as they come in, I put them in my "hot spots" - in the bathroom, in my office and in my kitchen and pick them up and read them when I can. Anyway, my point is is that I never know which month I'm reading from! When I get done with one, I throw it away and read what's left.

What did YOU find interesting?


Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 8:31 PM

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I love Fitness mag. I like the walk off extra pounds section. I walk alot and I am always looking for ways to spice it up a bit. I religiously read every issue.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 9:55 AM

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My favorite part of Fitness magazine is always the excercises in the back. Sometimes they are a little off-the-wall... like the one about doing excercises with a scarf... but for the most part I like them because they give me some ways to mix up my boring exercise routine.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 10:03 AM

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It keeps my mind on diet and exercise.

I subscribe to all the fitness magazines just because reading them keeps my mind on losing weight and exercise. I always read something that will stick with me...I once read that a bag of M&Ms a day can make you gain 25 pounds a year. That led me to swear off the candy bowl at work forever!

Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 12:13 PM

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great recipies

with all the nutritional info. this month there is a section on chocolate things- I may try a few of those. I aslo enjoyed the article on weight-loss envy.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 12:16 PM

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I think the best part about Fitness magazine (which by the way is my favorite of all the different health mags) is that everything in it seems realistic! The gear they show is a good price range, the exercizes are ones I want to do etc. I feel like the other magazines are geared toward people who are either more financially stable than my age group (mid 20's) or are already health nuts...

As for the most recent thing I gained? PEERTRAINER! I actually read about this site for the first time in Fitness. :)

Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 10:29 PM

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I love Fitness Magazine!!!! And I joined PEERtrainer because I had seen it in Fitness mag also. They had a great section on how fitness buddies can help you lose weight and keep it off. Fitness mag keeps me motivated and gives me lots of helpful advice.

Friday, March 10, 2006, 8:23 AM

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i too joined peertrainer after seeing it in fitness mag.

I get so many magazines it's not funny but i flat the articals i'm intrested in and then read them while running at the gym. I really liked the walk off the pounds one, I ended up scanning it in and emailing it to a friend of mine who loves it as well.

can't wait for the next issue.

Monday, March 13, 2006, 2:14 PM

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