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Really Good - Grilled Herbed Pork Tenderloin

Grilled Herbed Pork Tenderloin - from Cooking Light

The pureed marinade paste permeates the pork with flavor.

1/4 cup fresh oregano leaves
1/4 cup fresh sage leaves
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup orange juice, preferably fresh
1 tablespoon coarsely ground black pepper
2 tablepoons grated lemon rind
2 tablespoons grapeseed oil
1/4 teaspoon
6 garlic cloves, peeled
2 (1 pound) pork tenderloins, trimmed
1/4 teaspoons salt
Cooking Spray

1. COmbine first 9 ingredients in a blender or food processor, process until smooth. Pour mixture into a large ziploc bag. Add pork to bag and seal. Marinate in refrigerator 2 hours, turning bag occasionaly.
2. Prepare grill.
3. Remove pork from marinade and discard the marinade. Sprinkle pork with 1/4 tsp. salt. Place pork on grill rack coated with cooking spray, cover and grill 25 minutes or until a meat thermometer registers 160 degrees (slightly pink), turning pork after 15 minutes. Let stand for 10 mins. before slicing. Yield 8 servings - 3 ounces each

Calories: 214 FAT 5.8g PROTEIN 24.4g CARB 15.7g

Tue. Mar 7, 4:46pm

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I agree!

I made a pork tenderloin this weekend and it was fabulous, and low in fat too!

I coated the outside of the lions with dijion mustard and then rubbed in salt, pepper and garlic powder! So darn tasty, and easy too.

Baked in a pre-heated oven (375 F) for 1h10m, then let rest for 10 min. Juicy and delicious:)

Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 6:07 PM

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I agree!

I made a pork tenderloin this weekend and it was fabulous, and low in fat too!

I coated the outside of the lions with dijion mustard and then rubbed in salt, pepper and garlic powder! So darn tasty, and easy too.

Baked in a pre-heated oven (375 F) for 1h10m, then let rest for 10 min. Juicy and delicious:)

Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 6:07 PM

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I agree!

I made a pork tenderloin this weekend and it was fabulous, and low in fat too!

I coated the outside of the lions with dijion mustard and then rubbed in salt, pepper and garlic powder! So darn tasty, and easy too.

Baked in a pre-heated oven (375 F) for 1h10m, then let rest for 10 min. Juicy and delicious:)

Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 6:07 PM

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