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Need advice about an indoor triathlon.

I am planning on participating in a non-competitive indoor triathlon in a couple weeks. It consists of 10 min. of swimming (4 min of transition), 20 min. of biking (1 min. of transition), and 15 min. of running. I have never done something like this before and am wondering what would be the best thing to wear. Based upon the transition times it doesn't appear that there is time to change but I don't want to feel miserable the rest of the time because I'm in wet clothing. The best I can think of right now is a sports bra and maybe some kind of biking shorts. Any ideas?

Tue. Mar 7, 2:44pm

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Personally, I think your best bet is a swim suit and then put clothes over it. I ran a couple of triathlons last summer, and I was able (without practice) to dry off really well, then throw on bike shorts and a t-shirt over my suit and put on my shoes in about 3:30 mins (the shoe part was definitely the longest). I would stay away from sports bras - all of mine seem like they are made out of fabric that would stay soggy. Also, wearing your shorts in the pool might not be allowed - check the rules of your pool. And if you do wear them in, then they will all be wet, instead of just the part around your butt if you put them on over a wet suit.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 3:10 PM

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ps - have fun!

Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 3:10 PM

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That sounds really interesting!!!
I've never heard of a mini triathalon before--where are you located and is this something that occurs in other places?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 2:28 PM

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op here-- I'm in Peoria, Illinois and since this is my first triathlon (indoor or otherwise), I don't know much about them. There is a triathlon group/club around here who is hosting it at the local gym. I went online to find it and since then I've seen posters about it at various places. So I don't know how common this is.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 5:42 PM

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